Testing for Mac OS X

Updated 2005 October 3, by Eric Hoch

The Mac OS X porting community is always looking for Mac Users who are willing to help testing the latest releases of for Mac OS X.

For more information on helping out with the testing process, visit the QA project for general information, links to the "Smoke Tests" and the QA mailing list.

You may also want to vist the Mac OS X11 Testing forum (locked by April 2006) at the website to or subscribe to to a glimpse of the testing process.

You'll also find information and links to the Standard Test Suite that we are building. This Standard Test Suite will allow us to use the same basic, intermediate and advanced OOo documents / instructions to test all of the Mac OS X ports: Darwin, Quartz and Aqua. These same documents /instructions are designed to be used as turtorials and demos of the Office Suite. Come join us in building the Standard Test Suite and then using it to test the Mac OS X ports. We can alwasy use more hands and minds.


$Date: 2006/09/28 08:34:55 $