- MacOSX (X11)

News from 2006

20 December 2006 2.1 for the Mac using the X windowing environment is now available to download. There has been a delay in this release due to lack of resources. With this release we have more locales passed QA (Quality Assurance) than ever before on the Mac platform. There will be more locales being Quality Assured in the future.
The Mac download pages have also been updated to make it easier for you to find the download you are looking for.

We have found an issue with the export of PowerPoint Presentations. This is currently being tracked under issue 72571. 2.1 is recommended for all users, as it represents a significant improvement over all previous versions. Among other things:

  • Multiple monitor support for Impress
  • Improved Calc HTML export
  • Enhanced Access support for Base
  • Even more languages
  • Automatic notification of updates

We also have more extensions. Developers everywhere are invited to write extensions. To learn more, visit our Extensions Project.

Full release notes for 2.1

Download the latest version of

03 December 2006 (link to photos added 13 December 2006)

Today concludes the 2nd Mac Porters Meeting in Hamburg. The meeting had a variety of developers involved with the Mac Port come together at the Google office's in Hamburg. This meeting has been documented, with the minutes available on Eric Bachard's Blog. Commentary on the 2nd Mac Port Meeting:

14 November 2006

On november 4th, Apple delivered an X11 update that improved many things. But, due an issue with the fonts, it also broke the suite, the full featured open source office suite and one of the most used X11 software on mac.
On november 14th, Apple published a new update. mac porting team has tested it and confirmed the issue is solved. All the users are encouraged to update to the latest X11 version of 1.1.3. This can be done through the Apple software update or by downloading it from No more action is needed., in the name of its users, thanks Apple for the fast update.

05 November 2006

It has come to our attention that there is a problem in the latest stable release of on the Mac and the X11 Update that Apple released on 1 November 2006. The problem is related to the Vera fonts that are related to the X11 update. We have found the following solution that will require an administrator user account for each machine concerned. Please follow the following steps which will allow to run again.

  1. Log in as an Administrator (if you haven't already), an Administrator account is created by default when you install Mac OS X or setup your computer for the first time.
  2. Start the program called Terminal, it is located in the Utilities folder.
  3. Copy and paste the following command into the Terminal window: sudo mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF.bad
  4. You will be asked for your password for the account that you are logged in under. Type it in, don't worry, your password won't be shown to the world.
  5. Copy and paste the following command into the same Terminal window as above (all on one line): sudo mv /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/Vera*.ttf /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF.bad
  6. You should now be able to start normally.

When 2.1 is released, please upgrade as it will not have an issue with this. Apple should also be releasing an updated X11 update soon with the corrected Fonts.
Please take a look at the following issues for more information: 71096.

13 August 2006

Today the Mac Porting Team are releasing for Mac OS X (with X windowing) 2.0.4 in English and French. Unfortunately the volunteers who were testing the previous German versions have been unable to do the same for 2.0.4. This means that users of the German build of for Mac OS X, will have to either use the English or French versions, or use the untested German build that is still available.

22 August 2006

Thanks to Alexis Pigeon, the Mac OS X download pages have been localised in French. They are available from

If anyone wishes to localise any other pages on the Mac Porting Site, please grab the English files from the CVS, and enter the appropriate translations. The naming convention that you will use is <filename>.<language code>.html. You will then need to contact Shaun McDonald to get them added to the web site.

Late August 2006

With great progress in the Mac OS X Aqua port and regular builds of the X11 version for both PPC and Intel Macs, the Roadmap has been updated.

August 2006

With the release of the en-US version of 2.0.3 now officially supports the Intel based Macs such as MacBook, MacBook Pro and Mac Pro.
Go and download your 2.0.3 today.

May 2006

The growing number of questions on mac porting mailinglist shows us that it's time to help the growing number of Newbies getting installed and not frustrated. Here are the links to our " on Mac OS X How-To" on top of this site. Our thank goes to Eric Bachard for providing the French How-to, to Loic Geslin for the english translation, Uwe Altmann for the german translation and everybody else involved.

If you want to help us please translate the How-to to your native language. Contact us on this on mac at porting dot openoffice dot org.

April 2006

There has been some confusion about the relationship between and NeoOffice and we would like to clear things up.

Our focus is and must be porting to the Mac. In the last year, we have been very successful in getting 2.0 to the Mac OS (X11) and our team now includes many. We are further taking the port to Mac Intel, and beta builds are running of this. These are real and important accomplishments, and they could not have been done without the support of the community. Our ultimate goal is to fully port to Mac OS X on Aqua. For that, we need all the help the Mac community can provide.

Direct links to NeoOffice were removed because our focus is on, not NeoOffice, which is a derivation based substantially (more than 98 percent) on code. If the coding effort is to be successful, we need for users to work directly with us.

We have no argument with NeOffice and wish them the best in their efforts. Their approach differs from ours but satisfies many users. We invite them to work with us in building 2.0.3 and beyond and in fully porting to the Mac. We are also open to the idea of collaborating: exchanging ideas and code (when possible) in a useful, friendly, and productive way.

We hope this clears up some of the misunderstandings. Again, we invite friendly collaboration and cooperation and would like for the Mac community to help us port to Aqua.

If you want to join the fun, go to Mac Porting site Our list is

April 2006

There was a donation of two iMac Intel 20" to One for Tino Rachui and one for Stephan Schaefer. These very fast machines will replace old G3's, which were good but slow machines.

February 2006

First screenshot of svdem. Stephan Schaefer, Florian Heckl and Tino Rachui have made svdem work. Svdem is the toy dedicated to experimentations in vcl. The objectvies is to progressively implement everything for Carbon/Cocoa port.

February 2006

Beginning with 2.0.2rc1 X11 regular builds for Intel based Macs are avaialable. In order to get them follow the link to non-qa'ed builds on our download site

Late January, 2006 announced the first build of 2.0.1 for Mac OS X (X11) that can run natively on the newly released Macintosh Intel desktops. No other fully equipped office suite can claim as much, and ours gives users not just standards compliance but real interoperability. Led by Éric Bachard, the team includes Eric Hoch, NAKATA Maho, Tino Rachui, Sophie Gautier, Pavel Janík, David Nedrow, James Mckenzie, Filip MolĨan, "Mox", and many, many others. The group, which created this version in very little time indeed, is now eager to move even faster--with your help. Download the build, test it, participate. We are way ahead of the Redmond folks, let's keep it that way!

The builds provided for Intel based Macs are alpha and thus risky. They only run on Mac-Intel boxes.

January 22nd, 2006

Created a FAQ about NeoOffice and

January 20th, 2006

Starting April 2005, there were several donations made to the MacOSX Porting Team of We would like to extend our thanks to those who made these donations to the MacOSX Porting Team on this web page.Porting to MacOSX X11, MacTel (MacOSX for the Intel processor base) and MacOSX Aqua is easier with these donations.

January 17th, 2006

New timeline

Last Updated: 2006/08/28 10:30 by Shaun McDonald