Mac OS X Port Task List
10.14.2002; Version 0008 Updated 8-19-03
by Dan Williams and Ed Peterlin

This document lists some of the active tasks that are being worked on, investigated, or need to be started in the near future.

General Port Tasks (Both X11 and Aqua)
Task Description Status
Compilation of 1.1 Move the MacOS X support patches into 1.1 so we can more easily keep up with future releases. Get 1.1 compiling on MacOS X and see how stable it is. Done
Save/Print Lockups currently exhibits random lockups after multiple saves and prints. This occurs on both dual and single processor machines.

Programmers: Analyze backtraces from testers, isolate freezes, and fix them
Testers: generate backtraces, explain lockup situations and machine configurations
Random Aborts The program also randomly "Aborts" in certain situations, for example during the "Creating Local Settings" stage of the Setup program, as well as during operation.

Programmers: isolate abort situations and modules, look at optimization issues with compiler
Testers: generate backtraces and machine configurations, test fixes, isolate abort situations
Under Investigation
Apple gcc3.x Compatibility Support for Apple's gcc3.1 compiler is not implemented at this time. The 1.0.x code still uses the Apple gcc2.95.2 compiler, which requires many workarounds due to compiler bugs and significantly increases build time. Such workarounds should not be required with gcc3. Once gcc3 becomes available, support for it must be added and gcc3 must coexist with the current build process.

Programmers: investigate and add gcc3 support to the project
  • Analyze what will be needed for gcc3 support
  • Devise a way to support gcc3 without breaking the gcc2 build process
  • Begin adding in gcc3 support into CVS
  • Test and fix gcc3 bridge code
  • STLport 4.5 support with gcc3 (did not work well with gcc2)
  • Testers: not required at this time
    Fixed (gcc3.3)
    Mozilla 1.0 Integration Mozilla integration (Address book, etc) is currently not supported. When building the previous OO638C_MacOSX and early OOO_STABLE_1 branches, did not support any Mozilla version above 0.95. The Fizilla project, which produces the Mach-O build of Mozilla which is compatible with the Mac OS X/Darwin port, had not started until version 0.97. Now that uses Mozilla 1.0, support for it must be added back into the Mac OS X/Darwin port.

    Programmers: Build Mozilla 1.0 Mach-O libraries and package them up for 1.0
    Testers: when support is added, test integration with a Mozilla address book
    Project Builder/GUI build system and debugger The entire build process is performed using the command line interface (CLI), or the Terminal. With newer Apple developer tools, it is possible to migrate some of the build process to a GUI environment using Project Builder. GUI debugging is also possible with this approach.

    Programmers: work towards integrating Project Builder into the build environment to make the project more accessible to Mac developers not familiar or comfortable with command line systems
    Testers: verify GUI build system build instructions when they become available
    In Progress, see here for using ddd to debug OOo
    Launch Performance Enhancements Launch speed of is slow due to the number of shared/dynamic libraries that must be loaded during startup. To make the program more appealing to the general user, launch time must be cut significantly.

    Programmers: investigate the possibility of using prebinding to decrease shared library loading times, investigate creation of a Quickstarter Menu Extra or Dockling for this functionality as well (a la Win32). Testers: if, and when, available, verify product is still functional with new loading code.
    Awaiting Test (oooqstart)
    Java support The extent of Java support (any version) is unknown at this time. It must be investigated and the missing pieces implemented.

    Programmers: investigate and implement missing Java JNI support
    Testers: test support once it becomes available
    Third-Party Plugin support There is preliminary support for plugins in CVS, but the extent of support and its stability has not been investigated.

    Programmers: investigate and fix plug-in support once data becomes available
    Testers: test current and future support and submit bug reports and backtraces
    Not Started
    X11 Specific Tasks
    Task Description
    Printing support for X11 While preliminary printing support under X11 has been added to CVS, it is currently under heavy development. Much more testing and debugging of printing support is required at this time, as there are still many unknowns.

    Programmers: investigate extent of printing support and improve robustness
  • Extent of TrueType and regular font support is uninvestigated
  • Extent of support for 'lpr' (Darwin 5) and CUPS (Darwin 6) is uninvestigated; attempt to support both
  • Investigate effort required to support USB local printers on Darwin 5/Mac OS X 10.1
  • Attempt to make printer configuratin easier

  • Testers: test with multiple machine configurations, multiple printers, OS versions, etc.
    General Font support for X11 Somewhat related to printing support, the state of Font support in all applications is uninvestigated. It is unknown which fonts work and how extensive support for different font types and faces is.

    Programmers: investigate extent and state of font support, fix support so more fonts can be added and/or recognized by the application
    Testers: extensively test fonts when more support is added
    Window Manager support & Desktop Integration for X11 includes support for Desktop Integration with popular environments such as KDE and Gnome. This support is implemented but not functional for the Mac OS X/Darwin port. Also, it is unknown which window managers (other than WindowMaker) are fully supported under Mac OS X and Darwin.

    Programmers: investigate and implement support for further window managers, fix Gnome and KDE integration
    Testers: test a variety of window managers
    Awaiting Test
    Audio support for X11 The NAS (Network Audio System) module is not supported on Mac OS X/Darwin and has been removed from the build process. NAS has no support for Mac OS X/Darwin specific system calls and its dynamic linker (including two level namespaces).

    Programmers: port the NAS module to Darwin and Mac OS X
    Testers: verify audio support once implemented in all applications
    Fix Xrender and Antialiasing support in X11 Antialiasing is not currently supported on X11. Though the Xrender library is present, it cannot be loaded for some reason.

    Programmers: complete libXrender integration and entry point location through osl, investigate why antialiasing is broken
    Testers: verify libXrender against various X servers and investigate antialiasing when new font support is added.
    X11 Copy & Paste, Drag & Drop support There is currently no X11 support for Copy and Paste, and Drag and Drop.

    Programmers: implement Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop support
    Testers: test CP/DD support with multiple media types in all applications and configurations

    (Apple X11, XFree86 4.3)

    Quartz/Aqua Specific Tasks
    Task Description
    Fix broken builds Since much time has passed since the last compile of the Quartz code, we need to run back and make sure PORTS can build again. We may just abandon PORTS and jump straight into 1.1 for this. Fixed (X11 builds)
    Finish native windowing and application support Current Mac OS X native window support is present, but still buggy and incomplete.'s vcl module also does not rely on native code to implement modal windows. Instead, the platform-independent code uses emulated modality by controlling the stacking order of modeless windows. In the current implementation, the code controlling the stacking order is not connected to the Mac OS X 10.1.x native windows. Event handling suppport is also incomplete.

    Programmers: fix windowing model support and Mac OS X <-> GUI integration, complete event handling support and dialog modality
    Testers: test support and report GUI bugs and inconsistencies
    In Design in conjunction with gsl project.
    Native font support There is currently no support for fonts in the Aqua build, therefore only one font and one size may be used. There are also known font spacing issues because of this. Unicode font support is also not present in any form.

    Programmers: implement Mac OS X native font and Unicode support
    Testers: test support with multiple fonts and font sizes
    Not Started
    Java support The extent of Java support (any version) is unknown at this time. It must be investigated and the missing pieces implemented.

    Programmers: intvestigate and implement missing Java JNI support
    Testers: test support once it becomes available
    Not Started
    Setup program While the setup program does run, its Loader component is not Mac OS X native. The Loader is required for installs that do not use third-party installer applications, like previous Mac OS X releases.

    Programmers: implement missing Mac OS X native functionality in the Loader component
    Testers: test standalone installation when the Loader is native
    In progress
    Native Printing support There is currently no printing support for the Quartz/Aqua build. Printing and printer font support must be implemented and tied into Mac OS X native printing APIs. This includes:
  • Printer enumeration and selection
  • Rendering to the selected printer
  • Support for both network and local USB printers
  • "Print to File" support with PostScript

  • Programmers: implement complete Mac OS X native printing suppport for both Mac OS X 10.1.x and 10.2
    Testers: test support with multiple printers, OS versions, and machines
    Not Started
    Full screen graphics support Presentations in Impress require full screen display, without display of the desktop or menu bar. There is currently no full-screen display support implemented.

    Programmers: implement full-screen display support
    Testers: test Impress and other applications for full-screen display when it becomes available
    Not Started
    Native sound and movie support Presentations and other applications require sound support, which is not implemented for the Quartz/Aqua port. QuickTime movie support would also be nice.

    Programmers: implement sound and movie support
    Testers: test sound and movie support when it becomes available on a variety of configurations
    Not Started
    Native OpenGL Graphics support Those parts of which require OpenGL for 3D graphics currently cannot do so. OpenGL support must be implemented for the Quartz/Aqua port.

    Programmers: implement OpenGL support
    Testers: test OpenGL support when it becomes available on a variety of configurations
    Not Started
    Native Copy & Paste, Drag & Drop support There is currently no native support for Copy and Paste, and Drag and Drop.

    Programmers: implement Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop support
    Testers: test CP/DD support with multiple media types in all applications and configurations
    Not Started