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How do I add new directories or folders to the CVS directory?

  1. First, build the files that you wish to add in your local directory. Add new folders and files to this area using your favorite file manager. When you are ready to upload your files, create a tunnel.
  2. After you establish a tunnel, minimize that first terminal. Use it again to close the tunnel when you are done moving files to or from the site. Open a second terminal for your work. You will not work in the terminal where you established the tunnel.
  3. Type pwd in the working terminal to verify that you are in your home directory.
  4. Use the change directory cd command in the second terminal to move to the directory of the file or folder you wish to commit.
  5. Use the add command to add a new directory to the file server. Type
    cvs -d add [projectname]
    in the second terminal, where:
    • username is your user login,
    • is the path to where the file lives, and
    • [projectname] is the name of a file or directory in the CVS file server.
  6. The add is complete when your cursor comes back in the working terminal.

Examples of the add command for user zzzzzz, (assuming pwd = /home/zzzzzz):

  1. Type
    cvs -d :pserver:zzzzzz@localhost:/cvs add documentation
    in the second terminal to add a documentation directory.
  2. Type
    cd documentation/www
    cvs -d :pserver:zzzzzz@localhost:/cvs add faqs
    in the second terminal to add an faqs directory.
  3. Type
    cd documentation/www/faqs
    cvs -d :pserver:zzzzzz@localhost:/cvs add compatibility
    in the second terminal to add a compatibility directory in the faqs folder.
  4. Type
    cd marketing/www
    cvs -d :pserver:zzzzzz@localhost:/cvs add
    in the second terminal to add an the index page from marketing project directory.
  5. Type
    cd qa/www
    cvs -d :pserver:zzzzzz@localhost:/cvs add index.html
    in the second terminal to update only the index page from qa project directory.

In actuality, many of the above commands will fail, because these directories already exist. If a directory exists, you will see a message in your terminal, and the add command will not execute.

Tip: In a terminal, use the up-arrow key to cycle through the past commands used. You can select and edit commands, instead of typing them each time. The computer will only read what is visible at the command prompt when you hit the Enter key.

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