Workspace branches with changes on week 45

( from 14:07 Sunday November 16 2003 UTC (week 45)
to 12:39 Sunday November 23 2003 UTC (week 46) )

cws_src680 calc18 geordi2q09 i18n09 interop12 jl3 mav07 mergebuild mullingarfilterteam18 networker2 ooo20031110 os19 qadev13 qrycomp qwizards1 sab008 sal05 setup20 swobjpos03 swq01 tbe9 unopkg1
cws_srx644 ab02vba aw003 binfilter calcrtl port64bit
cws_srx645 brazilianextras1 c01 cellbreak dr9 draw23 droghedafilterteam15 editeng7pp2 filtercfg formdesign01 fwk03pp1 impress1 insight01 layoutmanager mergepp1 mingwport ooo111fix1 ooo11rcmac pmselectedfixes4 sab006 sab009 setuppp02 sj06 sw7pp2a swobjpos02 swundo01 thb07 tl01 tracingfilterteam17
mws srx645
merged branches mergepp1 pmselectedfixes3 pmselectedfixes4 qadev13 scriptingf1 vclplug
misc HEAD and other branches

Branches which make changes in projects

(excluding integration and resyncing)
(linked to the project page)
Branch GroupBranch
(linked to the branch changes below)
api srx645 cellbreak swobjpos02
src680 geordi2q09 interop12 jl3 mav07 qwizards1 swobjpos03
dba srx645 insight01 mergepp1
src680 qrycomp
misc HEAD
external srx645 ooo111fix1 ooo11rcmac
framework srx645 c01 filtercfg fwk03pp1 layoutmanager mergepp1 sj06 sw7pp2a tracingfilterteam17
src680 geordi2q09 interop12 jl3 os19 tbe9
misc HEAD
graphics srx645 draw23 editeng7pp2 formdesign01 impress1 insight01 mergepp1 sj06 thb07 tl01
srx644 ab02vba aw003
src680 geordi2q09 interop12 mergebuild mullingarfilterteam18 os19 swobjpos03
misc HEAD
installation srx645 brazilianextras1 fwk03pp1 mergepp1 ooo111fix1 pmselectedfixes4 setuppp02
src680 geordi2q09 networker2 qwizards1
master srx645
misc HEAD
l10n src680 i18n09
misc HEAD
porting src680 qadev13 sal05 setup20
misc HEAD
sc srx645 dr9 mergepp1 sab006 sab009
srx644 calcrtl
src680 calc18 mergebuild sab008
sw srx645 cellbreak droghedafilterteam15 mergepp1 sw7pp2a swobjpos02 swundo01 tracingfilterteam17
src680 geordi2q09 mullingarfilterteam18 ooo20031110 os19 swobjpos03 swq01
tools srx645 mingwport ooo111fix1
src680 ooo20031110 qadev13
master srx645
misc HEAD
ucb src680 unopkg1
misc HEAD
udk src680 jl3
misc HEAD
ui misc HEAD
xml srx645 cellbreak
srx644 binfilter
src680 geordi2q09 mav07 swobjpos03
misc HEAD

Detailed changes on each branch

cws_srx645_tracingfilterteam17 was changed by SJ(sj)
added : initial version

cws_srx645_tracingfilterteam17 was changed by Caolan McNamara(cmc)
modified : #112713# trace a few more problematic features

cws_srx644_port64bit was changed by MH(mh)
files from: offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/chart/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/frame/, svx/source/inc/, jurt/test/bugs/, odk/examples/java/GraphicsInserter/, odk/examples/java/calc/, testtools/source/testframework/, desktop/source/splash/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/comp/testcomp/, scp/source/player/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/comp/rmclient/, odk/examples/java/Car/, filter/source/msfilter/powerpoint/, inet/inc/, svx/source/accessibility/, remotebridges/source/dynamicloader/, setup2/source/custom/jvmsetup/os2/, scp/source/oocde/, odk/examples/cpp/GenericXMLFilter/, odk/examples/java/Inspector/, odk/examples/java/com/sun/star/comp/demo/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/lib/uno/environments/java/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/sheet/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/text/, dbaccess/util/, setup2/source/custom/jvmsetup/unx/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/formula/, filter/source/xmlfilterdetect/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/comp/urlresolver/, odk/examples/java/MinimalComponent/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/lib/iiopbridge/, setup2/win/source/loader/, odk/examples/cpp/counter/, odk/examples/java/DocumentPrinter/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/uno/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/auth/, desktop/res/, javaunohelper/source/, desktop/source/app/, filter/source/pdf/, filter/source/svg/, inet/prj/, jurt/com/sun/star/lib/uno/environments/java/, uui/util/, odk/examples/cpp/remoteclient/, connectivity/source/drivers/mozaddressbook/mozillasrc/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/comp/rmserver/, desktop/source/offacc/, odk/examples/java/DocumentSaver/, freetype/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/comp/bootstrap/, odk/examples/java/writer/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/comp/loader/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/accessibility/, odk/examples/java/draw/, dmake/unix/linux/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/comp/connections/, ucb/source/ucp/remote/, odk/examples/java/CalcAddins/, filter/source/xmlfilteradaptor/, desktop/source/so_comp/, odk/examples/java/calc/ChartTypeChange/, cppu/source/, inet/test/socktest/, odk/examples/java/DocumentConverter/, inet/source/core/, offapi/com/sun/star/ucb/, inet/test/, inet/inc/inet/, jurt/test/, scaddins/source/analysis/, sax/util/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/configuration/backend/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/lib/uno/bridges/java_remote/, odk/examples/java/WriterSelector/, odk/pack/gendocu/, stoc/source/inspect/, framework/util/, odk/pack/copying/, dbaccess/source/ui/querydesign/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/accessibility/bridge/, testtools/UNOTYPES/, connectivity/source/drivers/odbc/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/i18n/, odk/examples/java/DocumentLoader/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/comp/remote/, inet/source/mail/, odk/examples/java/DocumentConverter/test/, filter/source/flash/, inet/util/, inet/source/misc/, setup2/jsnative/, inet/source/api/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/comp/implementationregistration/, freetype/download/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/awt/, sch/prj/, connectivity/source/drivers/mozaddressbook/, jurt/test/com/sun/star/lib/uno/environments/remote/, scaddins/source/datefunc/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/table/, odk/examples/java/ToDo/, offapi/drafts/com/sun/star/drawing/, connectivity/, testtools/source/performance/, setup2/prj/, scp/source/ookde/, dbaccess/source/ui/inc/,

cws_srx645_sab009 was changed by SAB(sab)
modified : #i22076#; don't update pages while loading XML

cws_src680_swobjpos03 was changed by OD(od)
modified : #i22341# - adjustments for vertical alignment at top of line
modified : #i22341# - add method
modified : #i22341# property map - extend by entry for new vertical orientation
modified : #i22341# class - adjustment for new vertical alignment at top of line
modified : #i22341# enum - extend enumeration by for vertical alignment at top of text line
modified : #i22341# - adjustments for new vertical alignment at top of line
modified : #113049# - further adjustments for isolated positioning algorithms
modified : #i22341# class , method - adjustments for new vertical alignment at top of text line.
modified : #113049# - further adjustments for isolated positioning algorithms #i22341# - adjustement for new vertical alignment at top of line
modified : #i22341# - implementation
modified : #113049# - further adjustment for isolated positioning algorithms
sw/sw/source/core/layout/flylay.cxx sw/sw/source/core/frmedt/fews.cxx
modified : #i22341# constants - extend by new constant for vertical orientation at top of text line.
modified : #i22341# - - use new method
modified : #i22341# - use new method - do not overwrite data of ; it's needed in the dialog
modified : #i22341# - add member and method
modified : #i23341# - add define STR_VERT_LINE
modified : #i22341# methods and - adjustment for new vertical relation/alignment at top of line
modified : #i22341# - adjustment for method
modified : #i22341# - implementation of method incl. its helper methods.
modified : #i22341# struct - add new member
modified : #i22341# - adjustments for vertical alignment at top of line for to character anchored objects.
modified : #113049# - further adjustments for isolated positioning algorithms #i22341# - add new virtual method
modified : #113949# - adjustment for isolated positioning algorithms #i22341# - use new method

cws_src680_swobjpos03 was changed by Caolan McNamara(cmc)
modified : #i1560# Add property that word uses to flag if a escher element anchored inside a table is laidout inside or outside it
sw/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8graf.cxx graphics/svx/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx graphics/svx/inc/msdffimp.hxx

cws_srx645_ooo11rcmac was changed by FA(fa)
modified : Update patch to level of OOo 1.1 RC5

cws_src680_qrycomp was changed by Ocke Janssen(oj)
modified : #i21791# changes for the querycomposer
dba/dbaccess/source/core/api/ : SingleSelectQueryComposer.cxx, SingleSelectQueryComposer.cxx ; dba/dbaccess/source/shared/stringconstants.cxx dba/dbaccess/source/inc/stringconstants.hrc

cws_srx645_mergepp1 was changed by GH(gh) [ and it was merged ]
modified : Merging for PP1
graphics/sd/source/ui/app/menuids.src installation/setup2/source/ui/pages/paddr.src installation/wizards/source/euro/euro.src framework/sfx2/sdi/sfxslots.src graphics/sch/source/ui/app/menu.src sc/sc/source/ui/src/menue.src sw/sw/sdi/swslots.src graphics/svx/inc/globlmn.hrc dba/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/UserAdmin.src sc/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.src installation/scp/source/calc/system_calc.lng sw/starmath/source/symbol.src framework/offmgr/source/offapp/dialog/opthtml.src

cws_src680_mav07 was changed by MAV(mav)
modified : #112923# allow storage copiing when stream is opened for writing
modified : #112923# XCloseable support

cws_src680_jl3 was changed by Joachim Lingner(jl)
modified : #i22146# Everytime a component is activated it is tried to load the java java loader. If the office is not configured to run java, then every time the message box pops up asking the user to install one
modified : #111907# replace TKTThreadAttach by jvmaccess::VirtualMachine
api/udkapi/com/sun/star/java/XJavaThreadRegister_11.idl framework/filter/prj/build.lst
modified : #112187# wrong use of getenv
modified : #110725# set propert rather than user.region
modified : #111907# #include sj2/jnihelp.hxx removed
modified : #111018#
modified : #114029# infinite when reading a java.ini with no [java] section

cws_srx645_insight01 was changed by Ocke Janssen(oj)
removed : #111075# ongoing work
files from: dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/,
added : #111075# ongoning work
modified : #111075# ongoning work
graphics/svx/source/form/dataaccessdescriptor.cxx dba/dbaccess/source/core/api/ : query.cxx, querycontainer.cxx ; dba/dbaccess/inc/dbaccess_helpid.hrc dba/dbaccess/source/ui/app/AppController.cxx dba/dbaccess/source/filter/xml/dbloader2.cxx

cws_srx644_binfilter was changed by AW(aw)
modified : #111880#-4 The API for binfilter does not have this property, so test it first before using it to not throw exceptions

cws_srx645_swundo01 was changed by HBRINKM(hbrinkm)
files from: sw/win/res/, sw/mac/source/dynlnk/, sw/inc//, sw/source/ui/app/, sw/oemres/, sw/workben/,
files from: sw/sw/util/, sw/sw/source/core/crsr/, sw/sw/source/core/undo/, sw/sw/source/core/doc/, sw/sw/source/core/tox/, sw/sw/source/ui/wrtsh/, sw/sw/inc/,
modified : #i7983#

cws_src680_ooo20031110 was changed by Ken Foskey(waratah)
modified : #i17700# implement testing for x windows include files
tools/config_office/ :, configure ;
modified : #i22301# correct duplicate definition of variable
modified : #i22301# correction to for scope commits
modified : Correct recolution of enable_symbols in script
tools/config_office/ :, configure ;

cws_srx645_ooo111fix1 was changed by VQ(vq)
modified : #13546 Fix problem when using i386, mips or sgi in path to gcc.
modified : #21281 Patch for .NET 2002 build to add needed linker options to *.vcproj files. Original fix by Oliver Bolte, I only tweaked it a bit to make it usable with perl from Cygwin.

cws_srx645_ooo111fix1 was changed by Pavel Janík(pjanik)
added : #i22515#: Add Hungarian extras
installation/extras/source/templates/wizard/agenda/lang/hungarian/ : wizagn1.stw, wizagn2.stw, wizagn3.stw ; installation/extras/source/templates/wizard/memo/lang/hungarian/ : Tag:, cws_srx645_ooo111fix1, wizmem1.stw, wizmem2.stw, wizmem3.stw ; installation/extras/source/templates/wizard/fax/lang/hungarian/ : Tag:, cws_srx645_ooo111fix1, wizfax1.stw, wizfax2.stw, wizfax3.stw ; installation/extras/source/autotext/lang/hungarian/acor1038.dat installation/extras/source/templates/wizard/letter/lang/hungarian/ : Tag:, cws_srx645_ooo111fix1, wizbrf1.stw, wizbrf2.stw, wizbrf3.stw ;
modified : #i22664#: Fix typo.
modified : Update to match last change.

cws_srx645_ooo111fix1 was changed by Ken Foskey(waratah)
modified : Correct recolution of enable_symbols in script

cws_srx644_aw003 was changed by AW(aw)
files from: sw/sw/source/filter/ww8/, sw/sw/source/core/layout/, sw/sw/source/core/unocore/, sc/sc/source/filter/xcl97/, sc/sc/source/filter/excel/, graphics/svx/source/msfilter/, graphics/svx/source/svdraw/,
modified : #111111# Removed ststic ItemSetusage at EmptyItemSet, this is dangerous when starting more than one application instance.

cws_srx645_formdesign01 was changed by Frank Schoenheit(fs)
modified : #105266# remember last page
modified : during #105266# DropDown property now initialized in the view
modified : FM_PROP_MULTI is obsolete (during #105266#)
graphics/svx/source/form/fmprop.cxx graphics/svx/source/inc/fmprop.hrc
modified : merged in some changes from the frmcontrols01 branch - for list and combo boxes, guestimate whether they should be DropDown-able

cws_src680_calc18 was changed by John Marmion(jmarmion)
modified : #113971# - add chart import trace.

cws_src680_calc18 was changed by Daniel Rentz(dr)
modified : #114008# export of CJK/CTL fonts
modified : #113975# type correctness for Excel/Calc cell address components
sc/sc/source/filter/inc/XclExpChangeTrack.hxx sc/sc/source/filter/xcl97/XclExpChangeTrack.cxx sc/sc/source/filter/ftools/ftools.cxx sc/sc/source/filter/excel/colrowst.cxx
modified : #113783# CTL font import

cws_srx645_cellbreak was changed by Daniel Vogelheim(dvo)
modified : #i2109# add IsSPlitAllowed lag to text defaults
modified : #i2109# set file format default for style:keep-together (for table rows) to 'false' (app default is true)

cws_srx645_cellbreak was changed by FME(fme)
added : #i2109# Feature - Table row split - new attribute
modified : #i2109# Feature - Split table rows
sw/sw/source/core/layout/ : paintfrm.cxx, tabfrm.cxx ; sw/sw/source/core/view/vprint.cxx sw/sw/source/ui/shells/tabsh.cxx sw/sw/source/core/inc/rootfrm.hxx sw/sw/source/ui/inc/swmn.hrc
modified : #i2109# Split table rows
sw/sw/source/core/layout/wsfrm.cxx sw/sw/sdi/ : _tabsh.sdi, swriter.sdi, swslots.src ; api/offapi/com/sun/star/text/TextTableRow.idl sw/sw/source/ui/shells/tabsh.cxx sw/sw/source/ui/table/ : tabledlg.hrc, tablepg.hxx ; sw/sw/source/ui/inc/swmn.hrc sw/sw/inc/cmdid.h
modified : #i2109# Feature - Split table rows - rows containing sections are defined as too complex to split
modified : #i2109# Feature - Split table rows - import and export of the new item
modified : #i2109# Feature - Table row split - new attribute
sw/sw/source/core/frmedt/fetab.cxx sw/sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8nds.cxx sw/sw/source/filter/rtf/rtfatr.cxx sw/sw/source/filter/xml/xmltble.cxx sw/sw/source/core/bastyp/init.cxx sw/sw/source/ui/utlui/attrdesc.cxx sw/sw/source/ui/table/tabledlg.cxx sw/sw/source/core/sw3io/sw3attr.cxx sw/sw/source/core/layout/atrfrm.cxx sw/sw/source/ui/shells/tabsh.cxx sw/sw/source/core/unocore/unomap.cxx sw/sw/source/core/docnode/ndtbl1.cxx sw/sw/inc/doc.hxx

cws_srx645_cellbreak was changed by Caolan McNamara(cmc)
modified : claimfrmfmt if row is different split property
modified : typo cockup
sw/sw/source/filter/ww8/ : ww8par2.cxx, ww8par2.cxx ;
modified : import export table row can/cant break
modified : add rowbreaking for rtf im/ex

cws_srx645_filtercfg was changed by Andreas Schluens(as)
files from: sw/win/res/, sd/util/, sw/workben/, svx/workben/, svx/os2/res/, sd/workben/, sc/source/ui/miscdlgs/, svx/win/res/, sd/workben/testdll/, svx/inc/, offmgr/workben/, sw/inc//, svx/source/svdraw/, svx/workben/basicide/, svx/source/xoutdev/, svx/os2/isetbrw/, svx/source/dialog/, sw/mac/source/dynlnk/, svx/util/, sd/res//, sw/oemres/, sc/source/ui/cctrl/, sc/res//, offmgr/source/offapp/intro/, desktop/jobs/, offmgr/res/,
modified : #102620# use right includes
files from: sc/sc/source/ui/unoobj/, framework/framework/util/, framework/filter/prj/, framework/sfx2/source/dialog/, sw/sw/source/ui/uno/, graphics/svx/source/options/, framework/sfx2/source/doc/, framework/sfx2/source/appl/,
modified : #112488#

cws_srx645_impress1 was changed by AF(af)
modified : #111996# Prevent unnecessary object bar switches. Made push and pop more safe.
modified : #111996# Minor correction of documentation.
modified : #111996# Made deletion of pFuActual more safe.
modified : #111996# Guard ImplGetUndoManager against missing object bar.
modified : #111996# Delete view shell in destructor.

cws_src680_qwizards1 was changed by Tom Verbeek(tv)
modified : removed a file
modified : added missing makefile locations

cws_src680_qwizards1 was changed by RPITERMAN(rpiterman)
added : Synchronizes between a group of RadioButtons (uno awt) and Java Object Properties
added : Abstract class to synchronize between java data objects and uno ui controls
added : Class to synchronize simple uno controls like edit fields, check boxes and list boxes with java object properties
added : General methods for UI

cws_src680_qwizards1 was changed by BC(bc)
removed : #111603# split
files from: wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/report/,
added : #111603# makefile added
added : #111603# adding makefile
added : #111603# DBMetaData file split
installation/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/db/ :,,, ;
added : #111603# Querywizard added
installation/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/query/ :, ;
added : #111603# added
added : #111603# Dialogquery added
modified : #111603# Querywizard added
installation/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/ installation/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/query/
modified : #111603# Wizard Dialog class overworked
modified : #111603# split
installation/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/report/ installation/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/db/
modified : #111603# added
modified : #111603# XItemEventBroadcaster added
modified : #111603# Aggregate component added
modified : #111603# conflict with insertButton resolved
modified : #111603# XNavigationListener removed
modified : #111603# DBMetaData file split
installation/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/report/ installation/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/db/
modified : #111603# split (2)

cws_srx645_c01 was changed by PB(pb)
modified : fix: #112178# copyrights without french only for c01

cws_srx645_fwk03pp1 was changed by Andreas Schluens(as)
modified : #112900# support StartModule
installation/scp/inc/ framework/desktop/source/app/app.cxx framework/sfx2/source/view/topfrm.cxx framework/framework/source/dispatch/closedispatcher.cxx

cws_srx645_fwk03pp1 was changed by Carsten Driesner(cd)
modified : #112867# Throw exception if we have no default resource manager

cws_srx645_setuppp02 was changed by Dirk Voelzke(dv)
modified : #114041# Removed OS::GetNS[6]PluginDir()
installation/setup2/aqua/source/system/aquaos.cxx installation/setup2/win/source/system/winos.cxx installation/setup2/source/compiler/compiler.cxx installation/setup2/inc/os.hxx installation/setup2/mow/source/system/mowos.cxx
files from: installation/setup2/win/source/loader/, installation/setup2/source/ui/, installation/setup2/mow/source/loader/,
modified : #114016# Don't unpack special libs twice

cws_src680_interop12 was changed by SJ(sj)
modified : removed old header/footer code that will not be necessary any longer
graphics/sd/source/filter/pptin.cxx graphics/svx/inc/svdfppt.hxx graphics/svx/source/svdraw/svdfppt.cxx
modified : added header/footer support (initial version)
graphics/sd/source/filter/pptin.cxx graphics/svx/inc/svdfppt.hxx graphics/svx/source/svdraw/svdfppt.cxx
modified : added header footer support
graphics/svx/source/svdraw/svdfppt.cxx graphics/svx/inc/svdfppt.hxx graphics/sd/source/filter/eppt/eppt.cxx graphics/sd/source/filter/pptin.hxx

cws_src680_interop12 was changed by CL(cl)
added : #i20949# new header&footer api for impress
api/offapi/com/sun/star/presentation/textfield/ : Header.idl, Footer.idl, DateTime.idl, ; api/offapi/com/sun/star/presentation/ : HeaderShape.idl, FooterShape.idl, SlideNumberShape.idl, DateTimeShape.idl ;
modified : #i20949# string review 2 for header&footer
modified : #i20949# string review 1 for header&footer
modified : #i20949# string fixes
graphics/sd/source/ui/inc/strings.hrc graphics/sd/source/ui/view/sdview.cxx graphics/sd/source/ui/app/strings.src
modified : #i20949# help calc field value hdl to get the correct context
modified : #i20949# fixed type
modified : #i20949# disabled MasterPagePaintCache for header&footer
modified : #i20949# fixed compiler error
modified : #i20949# new header&footer api for impress
api/offapi/prj/build.lst api/offapi/com/sun/star/presentation/DrawPage.idl
modified : #i20949# register header&footer fields
modified : #i20949# do not export header&footer shapes from masterpage
modified : #i20949# added header&footer support for impress
graphics/sd/source/core/sdpage.cxx graphics/sd/source/ui/inc/showview.hxx graphics/sd/source/ui/view/ : sdview.cxx, showview.cxx ;
modified : #i20949# correctly initialize header&footer shapes on master
modified : #i20949# fixed binary format
modified : #i20949# header objects on masterpage now have the default style

cws_src680_os19 was changed by Jens-Heiner Rechtien(hr)
files from: sw/win/res/, sd/util/, sd/res//, svx/os2/res/, sd/workben/, offmgr/source/offapp/intro/, svx/win/res/, sd/workben/testdll/, svx/inc/, sw/inc//, svx/source/svdraw/, sw/workben/, svx/source/xoutdev/, svx/os2/isetbrw/, svx/source/dialog/, svx/workben/, sw/mac/source/dynlnk/, offmgr/workben/, sw/oemres/, sc/source/ui/cctrl/, sc/res//, sc/source/ui/miscdlgs/, svx/workben/basicide/, offmgr/res/,
files from: graphics/svx/source/editeng/, graphics/svx/inc/, graphics/sd/sdi/, sw/sw/source/core/crsr/, graphics/svx/source/dialog/, graphics/svx/sdi/, graphics/svx/source/outliner/, graphics/svx/source/svdraw/,

cws_src680_os19 was changed by OS(os)
removed : #i18881# spell wrapper removed
files from: sw/source/ui/inc/, sw/source/ui/lingu/,
modified : #i18881# delete PaM* on close
modified : #i18881# FN_ADD_UNKNOWN moved to the TextShell
sw/sw/source/ui/shells/textsh1.cxx sw/sw/sdi/_textsh.sdi
modified : #18881# enable wrap around spelling in frames/header/footer/footnote
modified : #i18881# SID_SPELLING removed
graphics/sd/sdi/slidvish.sdi graphics/sd/source/ui/app/app.src
modified : #i18881# SwScanner and spelling: backward removed, use of new SwScanner::NextWord
modified : #18881# FN_SPELLING_DLG removed
sw/sw/source/ui/shells/drwtxtsh.cxx sw/sw/sdi/_drwtxts.sdi sw/sw/source/ui/inc/swacc.hrc sw/sw/source/ui/lingu/olmenu.cxx sw/sw/source/ui/uiview/ : view.src, viewling.cxx ; sw/sw/source/ui/app/app.src sw/sw/source/ui/web/web.src sw/sw/inc/cmdid.h
modified : #18881# enable wrap around spelling in frames/header/footer/footnote; wrap around in draw text completed
modified : #18881# reverse spelling removed
graphics/svx/source/editeng/edtspell.cxx graphics/svx/inc/edtspell.hxx
modified : #18881# Change after random edit completed
graphics/svx/source/inc/SpellDialog.hxx graphics/svx/source/dialog/SpellDialog.src
modified : #i18881# spell wrapper removed
modified : #i18881# AddUnknownWords() replaces SpellDocument()
sw/sw/source/ui/uiview/viewling.cxx sw/sw/source/ui/inc/view.hxx
modified : #18881# SID_SPELL_DIALOG added
modified : #i18881# syntax

cws_srx645_sj06 was changed by SJ(sj)
modified : #i21317# solved memory leak
modified : #i18596# now storing the pdf creator
modified : #112480# check if fidcls section has been loaded properly before accessing

cws_srx645_dr9 was changed by Daniel Rentz(dr)
files from: sc/sc/source/ui/inc/, sc/sc/source/filter/excel/,
modified : #i22589# enable 'Remove Print Area' slot, if 'Print Entire Sheet' enabled at sheet

cws_srx645_brazilianextras1 was changed by VA(va)
added : Added Brazilian Map for Calendar Template.
modified : Added Brazilian Holidays to Calendar BASIC.

cws_srx645_sw7pp2a was changed by PB(pb)
modified : fix: #112823# added our chinese colleagues to the about box

cws_srx645_sw7pp2a was changed by FME(fme)
modified : #112912# FindLastCntnt returns 0

cws_srx645_sw7pp2a was changed by OD(od)
modified : #i22014# class - handle paint of unformatted document
modified : #i22014# class - add two internal booleans to handle paint of unformatted document.

cws_srx645_pmselectedfixes4 was changed by Dirk Voelzke(dv) [ and it was merged ]
modified : #113978# Use StartPath to search patch file
modified : #113723# removed unicows.dll from list
modified : #113723# Added support for unicows.dll

cws_srx645_pmselectedfixes4 was changed by RT(rt) [ and it was merged ]
modified : #100000# PP1_PRODUCT: TIME_STAMP changed.

cws_srx645_pmselectedfixes4 was changed by IS(is) [ and it was merged ]
modified : #112877# remove old cde in update process

cws_srx645_mingwport was changed by VG(vg)
modified : #111277#

cws_srx644_calcrtl was changed by Daniel Rentz(dr)
modified : #111027# textboxes still too small on import

cws_src680_tbe9 was changed by TBE(tbe)
modified : #i22432# Assertion pressing Assign in macro dialog

cws_srx645_tl01 was changed by TL(tl)
files from: graphics/svx/source/editeng/, sc/sc/source/ui/inc/,
modified : #109443# include statement fixed

cws_srx645_layoutmanager was changed by ABI(abi)
modified : earlier setting of callback
modified : recycling Frame,Window and Document
modified : resizing of frame
modified : some tries
modified : earlier setting of docking area acceptor

cws_srx645_layoutmanager was changed by Carsten Driesner(cd)
modified : #111899# Comment code line for better understanding
modified : #111899# For demo purpose set toolbox alignment hardcoded to TOP
modified : #111899# Don't layout invisible toolbars

cws_src680_swq01 was changed by FME(fme)
modified : #114047# SwDoc::_GetRefDev returns wrong device

cws_src680_sal05 was changed by TRA(tra)
removed : #113772#no longer necessary files
files from: sal/osl/w32/,
removed : #113772#code moved to file.cxx
files from: sal/osl/w32/,
removed : #113772#moved code to file.cxx
files from: sal/osl/w32/,
modified : #113772#removed tempfile, dir, and fileimpl from makefile because they were merged to file.cxx
modified : #113772#removed unnecessary forward declaration
modified : #104528#Directory::createDirectoryPath and DirectoryCreationObserver introduced
modified : #112918#
modified : #104528#osl_createDirectoryPath introduced
added : #113772#consolidated file and directory functionality into this file, FOR OLD CVS COMMENTS have a look in tempfile.c, dir.c, or fileimpl.cxx

cws_src680_i18n09 was changed by KHONG(khong)
removed : remove the head files, which are moved to i18nutil project sometime ago
files from: i18npool/inc/,
modified : #i21290# #i22530# #i14640# extend CTL script support, extend Greek script type
l10n/i18nutil/inc/i18nutil/unicode.hxx l10n/i18nutil/source/utility/unicode.cxx l10n/i18npool/source/characterclassification/scripttypedetector.cxx l10n/i18npool/source/breakiterator/ : breakiteratorImpl.cxx, breakiteratorImpl.cxx ;
modified : #i22530# update ScriptTypeList

cws_src680_qadev13 was changed by MINDYLIU(mindyliu) [ and it was merged ]
modified : #112598# add two port number MYPORT9,10
modified : #112598# before bind, setOption(osl_Socket_OptionReuseAddr, sal_True ) to avoid bind failure
modified : #112598# change CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE to if statement, and change port binded

cws_src680_qadev13 was changed by Lars Langhans(lla) [ and it was merged ]
modified : #112310#

cws_srx645_droghedafilterteam15 was changed by Caolan McNamara(cmc)
modified : check against finding no fontheight
modified : #113902# centralize slot<->which mechanics and use one that works

cws_src680_mergebuild was changed by Hans-Joachim Lankenau(hjs)
files from: sd/util/, sfx2/source/doc/, offmgr/workben/, svx/os2/res/, sd/workben/, sc/source/ui/miscdlgs/, svx/win/res/, sfx2/source/inc/, goodies/workben/agent/, svx/source/svdraw/, starmath/jobs/, sw/workben/, svx/source/xoutdev/, offmgr/source/offapp/app/, setup2/os2/source/system/, goodies/workben/channel/, starmath/source/, sfx2/inc/, setup2/os2/source/pguard/, sc/prj//, sc/source/ui/cctrl/, sc/source/ui/app/, desktop/jobs/, dbaccess/source/ui/control/, sc/res//, offmgr/source/offapp/intro/, sfx2/source/view/, sch/inc/, svx/workben/basicide/, offmgr/res/, setup2/jobs/, sw/win/res/, setup2/mac/source/system/, sd/workben/testdll/, svx/os2/isetbrw/, setup2/os2/source/loader/, offmgr/sdi/, svx/workben/, setup2/os2/source/xeautil/, sw/inc//, sd/source/ui/app/, starmath/inc/, sc/jobs/, goodies/source/crpt/, sc/util/, desktop/source/app/, goodies/workben/, svx/source/dialog/, sw/mac/source/dynlnk/, sw/source/ui/app/, sd/res//, sw/oemres/, sd/jobs/, sd/source/ui/inc/, goodies/util/, goodies/test/help/, goodies/source/crpt/dll/, wizards/jobs/, svx/util/,
files from: installation/scp/source/office/, graphics/sch/util/, framework/offmgr/source/offapp/dialog/, installation/setup2/source/ui/pages/, sw/starmath/util/, framework/sfx2/source/appl/, installation/instsetoo/util/, installation/scp/source/math/, graphics/sch/source/ui/app/, tools/solenv/inc/, installation/setup2/inc/, sc/sc/source/ui/src/, sw/sw/util/, graphics/svx/inc/, installation/setup2/source/compiler/, installation/scp/source/chart/, installation/scp/source/draw/, framework/sfx2/sdi/, framework/offmgr/sdi/, graphics/svx/prj/, graphics/svx/sdi/, installation/scp/source/grafikfilter/, installation/scp/source/global/, graphics/svx/source/form/, sc/sc/sdi/, sc/sc/util/, framework/desktop/source/app/, sw/sw/prj/, installation/scp/source/fonts/, installation/setup2/source/agenda/, graphics/svx/source/options/, graphics/sd/util/, installation/setup2/util/, graphics/svx/source/dialog/, installation/setup2/source/ui/, installation/setup2/win/source/loader/, framework/offmgr/source/offapp/intro/, installation/scp/source/calc/, installation/scp/source/impress/, sw/starmath/source/,
modified : #i8252# removed remains of resync
sc/sc/source/ui/src/scfuncs.src graphics/svx/source/dialog/border.src

cws_srx645_thb07 was changed by THB(thb)
modified : #i17014# The OCommonAccessibleTextHelper bitched at me, had to return full ranges in the bug's special case

cws_src680_setup20 was changed by DBO(dbo)
modified : #i21809# fixing allocator
porting/sal/rtl/source/ : bootstrap.cxx, unload.cxx ;

cws_srx645_editeng7pp2 was changed by Malte Timmermann(mt)
modified : #111072# Don't pass active view, maybe selection is not updated yet
modified : #111036# Let VCL do orientation for cursor

cws_src680_mullingarfilterteam18 was changed by Caolan McNamara(cmc)
modified : #i9055# make the rtf filter warning free
modified : #i9055# add dtor to SwWriteTable
sw/sw/source/filter/inc/wrtswtbl.hxx sw/sw/source/filter/writer/wrtswtbl.cxx
modified : #i9055# some signedness issues
modified : #i9055# w4w warning free
sw/sw/source/filter/inc/w4wpar.hxx sw/sw/source/filter/w4w/w4watr.cxx
modified : #i9055# basflt warning free
modified : #i9055# some extra brackets
modified : #113697# make safe against having no SvxFontHeightItem available
modified : #i9055# excel warning free
modified : #i9055# unused variable
sw/sw/source/filter/ww8/ : ww8par.hxx, ww8par5.cxx ;
modified : #i9055# match member init order to decl order
modified : #i9055# add in some defaults to case statements, etc
modified : #i9055# clean warnings from ww1 dir
modified : #i9055# change switchs with a single case label into simpler if statements
modified : #i9055# lotus warning free
modified : #i9055# recursive c comments
modified : #i9055# missing virtual destructor
graphics/svx/source/msfilter/msocximex.cxx graphics/svx/inc/msocximex.hxx
modified : #i9055# cleanup ww8par3.cxx
modified : #i9055# unused variables
modified : #113694# make an attempt at improving textgrid import
modified : #i9055# writer dir warning free
modified : #i9055 add dtor to SwTableFormula
sw/sw/source/core/fields/cellfml.cxx sw/sw/inc/cellfml.hxx
modified : #113902# merge all the silly which converters together and use one that works
modified : #i9055# make debug dir warning free
modified : #i9055# sw6 warning free
modified : #i9055# missing dtor
sw/sw/source/filter/inc/ : fltshell.hxx, fltshell.hxx, fltshell.hxx ; sw/sw/source/filter/ww1/fltshell.cxx
modified : #i9055# clean warnings from ascii dir
modified : #i9055# get member init the same way around as members

cws_src680_geordi2q09 was changed by OBO(obo)
modified : #111934#: join CWS pmselectedfixes (undo last change)
modified : #111934#: join CWS pmselectedfixes
installation/scp/source/office/profile.scp framework/sfx2/source/control/bindings.cxx installation/setup2/source/ui/pages/ : ppatch.cxx, plicense.cxx ; framework/sfx2/source/appl/app.cxx framework/sfx2/inc/docfile.hxx installation/setup2/source/agenda/ : action.cxx, install.cxx ; installation/setup2/inc/action.hxx installation/scp/inc/ installation/setup2/script/setupzip_linux.inf installation/setup2/util/defs/wntmsci10 framework/sfx2/source/view/ : topfrm.cxx, viewsh.cxx ; installation/setup2/win/source/loader/loader.cxx sw/sw/source/ui/app/swmodule.cxx framework/sfx2/source/notify/eventsupplier.cxx framework/sfx2/source/dialog/about.cxx framework/sfx2/source/doc/ : docfile.cxx, interno.cxx, objstor.cxx ; sw/sw/inc/swdll.hxx
modified : #111934#: join CWS pmselectedfixes2
graphics/sd/source/ui/inc/futext.hxx installation/setup2/source/ui/pages/plicense.cxx xml/xmloff/source/style/xmlnumi.cxx graphics/sd/source/ui/view/sdview.cxx installation/setup2/mow/source/loader/loader.c xml/xmloff/util/defs/wntmsci8 graphics/sd/source/ui/func/futext.cxx installation/setup2/source/agenda/instdb.cxx installation/setup2/inc/respfile.hxx installation/setup2/script/setupzip_linux.inf graphics/svx/source/svdraw/svdfppt.cxx framework/desktop/source/splash/splash.cxx installation/setup2/win/source/loader/loader.cxx framework/desktop/source/app/ : lockfile.cxx, app.cxx, officeipcthread.cxx ; installation/setup2/source/ui/ : main.cxx, mainevt.cxx ; installation/setup2/source/other/respfile.cxx
modified : #111934# join CWS comboboxlink
modified : #111934#: join CWS comboboxlink
api/offapi/prj/d.lst xml/xmloff/source/core/xmltoken.cxx xml/xmloff/source/forms/callbacks.hxx

cws_src680_unopkg1 was changed by Kai Sommerfeld(kso)
added : #113678# - manual test for globalTransfer command (NameClash::ASK)
modified : #113678# - Optimized support for NameClash::ASK - Added support for resetting Title before doing an 'insert'
modified : #113678# - Content::insert() accidently threw an uno::Any (containing a UNO exception), where the UNO exception itself was intended.
modified : #113678# - Added generic support for NameClash::ASK

cws_srx645_draw23 was changed by THB(thb)
modified : #112544# Restoring temp. written zero with original byte

cws_srx645_draw23 was changed by AF(af)
modified : #112211# Added guard against mpOutlineView missing on the view stack of the edit enginge.

cws_srx645_sab006 was changed by Daniel Rentz(dr)
modified : #111027# textboxes still too small on import

cws_src680_networker2 was changed by IS(is)
modified : #105673# removing webtop
installation/scp/source/office/basic.scp installation/scp/source/draw/files_draw.scp installation/scp/source/cde/ installation/scp/source/global/ installation/scp/prj/d.lst installation/scp/source/fonts/ installation/scp/source/math/files_math.scp installation/scp/inc/ installation/scp/source/impress/files_impress.scp installation/scp/source/office_root/ installation/scp/source/gnome/ installation/scp/source/chart/files_chart.scp installation/scp/source/psprint/files_psprint.scp installation/scp/source/kde/module_kde.scp installation/scp/source/grafikfilter/ installation/scp/source/calc/
modified : #112309# new java version

cws_srx644_ab02vba was changed by Caolan McNamara(cmc)
modified : #110010# join changes to ab02vba

cws_src680_sab008 was changed by John Marmion(jmarmion)
modified : #i22473# - string for scenario protect feature.

cws_src680_sab008 was changed by Daniel Rentz(dr)
modified : #i8868# final string changes
sc/sc/source/core/data/attrib.cxx sc/sc/source/ui/src/globstr.src sc/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.src sc/sc/inc/globstr.hrc

cws_srx645_swobjpos02 was changed by OD(od)
files from: svx/source/xoutdev/, sw/win/res/, svx/source/dialog/, sw/mac/source/dynlnk/, svx/os2/res/, sw/oemres/, svx/win/res/, svx/workben/, svx/inc/, svx/os2/isetbrw/, sw/inc//, sw/workben/, svx/source/svdraw/, svx/workben/basicide/,
modified : #110978# - adjustment for isolated object positioning algorithms
files from: sw/sw/source/filter/ww8/, sw/sw/source/core/txtnode/, xml/xmloff/source/core/, sw/sw/source/core/layout/, xml/xmloff/inc/, sw/sw/source/core/text/,
modified : #i18732# - add optional property
modified : #110978# - always check Writer fly frame, that are anchored to character.
modified : #110978# - further adjustment for isolated object positioning algorithms
modified : #i18732# - adjustment german string for option 'FollowTextFlow'
modified : #i18732# - adjust german string for checkbox 'FollowTextFlow'
modified : #110978# - further adjustments for isolated object positioning algorithms
sw/sw/source/core/layout/ : flycnt.cxx, flylay.cxx ; sw/sw/source/core/inc/anchoredobjectposition.hxx
modified : #i18732# - correction is setting new option 'FollowTextFlow'

mws_srx645 was changed by RT(rt)
modified : #114027 creating correct links (IS)
modified : #114027# In update case, let setup create it's links itself, only remove old ones beforehand by basic script (IS)

mws_srx645 was changed by Jens-Heiner Rechtien(hr)
modified : #100000#: instances=static

mws_srx645 was changed by VG(vg)
integrated : pmselectedfixes4 dv : #113978# Use StartPath to search patch file
integrated : pmselectedfixes3 as : #113690# complain dialog close if dialog cancel was disabled
integrated : pmselectedfixes3 rt : #112950# Copy soffice binary before delivering. is : #112950# delivering soffice.exe and soffice.bin with OOo and So names for PP1
integrated : pmselectedfixes3 dv : #112878# call Substitute even if bDoDontOverwriteUnzip is true
integrated : pmselectedfixes4 rt : #100000# PP1_PRODUCT: TIME_STAMP changed.
integrated : pmselectedfixes4 is : #112877# remove old cde in update process
integrated : pmselectedfixes3 os : #113726# use OfaHtmlOptions to get the encoding to save os : #113726# always set output stream encoding
integrated : pmselectedfixes3 is : #113739# adding the basic script, which repairs the links
integrated : mergepp1 gh : Merging for PP1
installation/scp/source/office/ : setuphelp.lng, system.lng ; sw/sw/source/ui/utlui/ : attrdesc.src, navipi.src, poolfmt.src ; installation/setup2/source/ui/pages/ : paddr.src, plang.src, plicense.src, ppatch.src ; installation/scp/source/calc/system_calc.lng installation/scp/source/chart/system_chart.lng dba/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/ : UserAdmin.src, dlgsave.src, sqlmessage.src ; sw/sw/source/ui/wrtsh/wrtsh.src sw/sw/source/ui/ribbar/workctrl.src sc/sc/source/ui/styleui/scstyles.src sc/sc/source/ui/src/ : menue.src, optdlg.src, popup.src, scfuncs.src ; sw/sw/sdi/swslots.src graphics/svx/inc/globlmn.hrc sw/sw/source/ui/fmtui/tmpdlg.src sw/sw/source/ui/inc/swmn.hrc graphics/sch/source/ui/app/menu.src dba/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign/table.src sc/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.src sw/sw/source/ui/dialog/regionsw.src graphics/svx/sdi/svxslots.src framework/offmgr/source/offapp/dialog/opthtml.src installation/scp/source/math/system_math.lng sw/sw/source/ui/fldui/fldref.src installation/wizards/source/euro/euro.src framework/sfx2/sdi/sfxslots.src graphics/svx/source/options/optlingu.src installation/scp/source/draw/system_draw.lng sw/sw/source/ui/docvw/ : access.src, docvw.src ; graphics/svx/source/dialog/ : charmap.src, ctredlin.src, langtab.src, txenctab.src ; installation/setup2/win/source/loader/loader.lng sw/sw/source/ui/chrdlg/ccoll.src sw/sw/source/ui/uiview/view.src sw/sw/source/ui/misc/ : docfnote.src, glosbib.src, insfnote.src, pgfnote.src ; framework/offmgr/source/offapp/intro/ooo.src sw/starmath/source/symbol.src installation/scp/source/python/python.lng installation/scp/source/impress/system_impress.lng graphics/sd/source/ui/app/ : menuids.src, menuids2.src, menuids3.src ;
integrated : pmselectedfixes3 dv : #113734# GetSelectedLanguages() now checks the LanguageContext, too
integrated : pmselectedfixes3 is : #113725# removing superfluous files from setupzip*.inf files
integrated : pmselectedfixes4 dv : #113723# Added support for unicows.dll
integrated : pmselectedfixes3 as : #113690# dont forget to initialize member
integrated : pmselectedfixes4 dv : #113723# removed unicows.dll from list
integrated : pmselectedfixes3 rt : #112950# Copy soffice binary before delivering.
modified : #100000# no AOL in PP1
modified : SRX645

HEAD was changed by Daniel Vogelheim(dvo)
modified : fixed index marks reference
modified : finished index chapter also minor changes in schema, to make it validate again

HEAD was changed by Frank Schoenheit(fs)
added : new minutes
modified : new minutes

HEAD was changed by Mathias Bauer(mba)
added :
graphics/svx/source/ : src, intro ;

HEAD was changed by MWU(mwu)
modified : remove the popuped strip001 after adding namespace binfilter

HEAD was changed by Tomas O'Connor(toconnor)
added :
added : Addition of documentation for scriptingf1 release.
modified : More documentation for scriptingf1 release.
modified : Updated with comments from James

HEAD was changed by CL(cl)
added :

HEAD was changed by BM(bm)
added : scatter chart type
added : skeletton for stock chart type template
graphics/chart2/source/model/template/ : StockChartTypeTemplate.cxx, StockChartTypeTemplate.hxx ;
added : data interpreter taking first value sequence as x-values for all series
graphics/chart2/source/model/main/ : XYDataInterpreter.cxx, XYDataInterpreter.hxx ;
modified : line-symbols for scatter chart
modified : let charttype templates determine by themselves, if a diagram was crated by them
modified : Line- and Scatter subtypes added (symbols, curve type)
modified : +XYDataInterpreter
modified : +properties CurveResolution, SplineOrder
modified : + ReferenceDiagramSize
modified : use XYDataInterpreter if USE_XY_DATA is defined
modified : getStackMode -> getYStackMode +getZStackMode
modified : skeletton for stock chart type template
modified : stack-properties can also be set to false ;-)
modified : +Property CurveStyle for LineChartType
modified : todo-comment

HEAD was changed by MAV(mav)
added :
added : #112923# main thread executor
modified : #112923# do not close stream untill it is needed
modified : #112923# use close(false) when possible
modified : #112923# use Any( void ) return type
modified : #112923# XCloseable support
framework/embeddedobj/source/commonembedding/ : miscobj.cxx, miscobj.cxx ;

HEAD was changed by BC(bc)
modified : #111603# new update for querywizard spec added

HEAD was changed by MH(mh)
modified : remove old targets

HEAD was changed by Pavel Janík(pjanik)
added :
installation/extras/source/templates/wizard/agenda/lang/hungarian installation/extras/source/autotext/lang/hungarian installation/extras/source/templates/wizard/fax/lang/hungarian installation/extras/source/templates/wizard/memo/lang/hungarian installation/extras/source/templates/wizard/letter/lang/hungarian

HEAD was changed by Stefan Taxhet(st)
modified : screenshots have been moved
modified : remove link to outdated document and point to new location for files
modified : replaced location of developer page
porting/www/mac/README_OOO.html tools/www/index.html
modified : removed broken style usage
modified : corrected link
modified : removed broken stylesheet link
modified : corrected links
modified : Developer snapshots from 680
modified : remove reference to outdated buildooo.html
modified : remove reference to outdated plan
modified : removed broken link to style
modified : remove link to outdated release intrstructions
modified : replaced links to old release notes by link to features
tools/www/releases/ : index.html, index.html, index.html ;
modified : redirect to new location
tools/www/releases/ : index.html, index.html ;
modified : replace outdated document with index to new guides
modified : link to new location
modified : remove link to outdated document
modified : correct URL

HEAD was changed by Joerg Budischewski(jbu)
modified : added solaris patch, the missing zip/expat libs and the broken windows native libs

HEAD was changed by IHI(ihi)
modified : OOO 1.1 big ten languages added

HEAD was changed by AW(aw)
modified : #111880# Changes to not need the *.map file to be checked in
modified : Changes to makefiles regarding the building of *.hid stuff, changes of macro DBG_NAME where it conflicts with the namespace binfilter, some changes of namespace binfilter definitions where the define PRODUCT was used.

HEAD was changed by KZ(kz)
modified : new version for SRC680
dba/connectivity/source/dbtools/defs/wntmsci8 installation/setup2/util/defs/wntmsci8 framework/offmgr/util/defs/wntmsci8 framework/sfx2/util/defs/wntmsci8 xml/xmloff/util/defs/ : wntmsci8, wntmsci8 ; ucb/ucbhelper/util/defs/wntmsci8 graphics/svx/util/defs/ : wntmsci8, wntmsci8, wntmsci8 ; dba/connectivity/source/drivers/file/defs/wntmsci8
modified : SRC680
modified : #113976# new file
modified : #100000# scripting added
modified : new version for SRX645
modified : #100000# define HMENU for vcl changes
framework/framework/source/services/logindialog.cxx dba/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dsselect.cxx
integrated : qadev13 mindyliu : #112598# add two port number MYPORT9,10 mindyliu : #112598# add consts for test,declare ServiceNETBIOS as "netbios-dgm" mindyliu : #112598# add ServiceNETBIOS mindyliu : #112598# add more ip, hostname, port number
integrated : scriptingf1 toconnor : #i21858# - remove framework namespace from namespace hierarchy as the depth was not in line with convention for UNO idl namespaces udk/unoil/drafts/com/sun/star/script/provider/
integrated : qadev13 FILE REMOVED lla : #112535# file moved to inc/cppunit
testshl2/inc cmdlinebits.hxx
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : #i19262# - Enable scripting framework scripts to be persisted for forms
integrated : vclplug pl : RESYNC:; pl : #21232# add libpure_x_680*.so
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# VolumeInfo problems removed mindyliu : #112598# add some comments near "#ifdef $PLATFORM" mindyliu : #112598# fix bug in getNextItem_004, remove_005 mindyliu : #112598# fix some bug on windows: move, setAttributes, getFileSize mindyliu : #112598# my fault:can not compile on Solaris, fix now mindyliu : #112598# time related bug fix; add getNextItem_004. mindyliu : #112598# compareFileName:Win32 version; add more cases in getAbsoluteFileURL, getSystemPathFromFileURL, createTempFile mindyliu : #112598# reset_001(), getNextItem_001():only check there *is* item returned
integrated : qadev13 mindyliu : #112598# remove some functions in Socket & Pipe class
integrated : qadev13 mindyliu : #112598# my fault mindyliu : #112598# fix some bug on windows: move, setAttributes, getFileSize lla : #112598# changes in makefiles, to use dmake test
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112654# add -whereami parameter, for better debugging lla : #112654# add some functions for better debugging
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112310# lla : #112310#
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : RESYNC:; dfoster : #i15986# The zip file contains the subdirs, so no need to have entries in dir.scp. dfoster : #i15986# Add scripting framework to install sets
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112535# include of cmdlinebits changed
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112310# renamed from checkapi.bat, some changes
integrated : vclplug pl : #21232# add libpure_x_680*.so
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : #i21624# Adding method to allow the ScriptProtocolHandler to read the value of the MacroMode. toconnor : #i21858# - removal of framework namespace from namespace hierarchy of Scripting Framework UNO interfaces and services dfoster : #i19264# - add methods to allow execution of scripting framework scripts
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# remove warning in struct.
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : RESYNC:; toconnor : #i21858# - remove framework namespace to adhere to UNO idl naming convention of no more than 5 namespaces in depth dfoster : RESYNC:; npower : #i12906# Adding new interfaces in new namespace dcsssf:browse.
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112535# cmdlinebits are moved. Also -boom parameter has a real better handling within windows
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : #i21260# - use as scripting framework protocol, fix string comparison npower : #i21260# Change use of script:// protocol to new dfoster : #i19258# - display scripting framework scripts in Tools/Configure and other assignment dialogs
integrated : qadev13 FILE REMOVED lla : #112310# mv checkapi.bat checkapi.btm
solenv/bin checkapi.bat
integrated : qadev13 mindyliu : #112598# wrong cvs operation, now correct mindyliu : #112598# module::load_002 updated lla : #112598# changes in makefiles, to use dmake test
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112597# changes, for better testing lla : #112597# cppunit ith dmake test
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# #108218# toDouble, valueOf changed
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112654# add some functions for better debugging
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : RESYNC:; dfoster : #i19262# - execution of scripting framework scripts for forms
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : #i19264# - only execute new script:// bindings through the scripting framework, Basic macro bindings should use the previous codepath dfoster : #i19264# - support execution of scripting framework scripts
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# #108218# toDouble, valueOf helper functions for testing
integrated : scriptingf1 toconnor : #i21858# - remove framework namespace to adhere to UNO idl naming convention of no more than 5 namespaces in depth
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# was not compileable within windows lla : #112598# fixes lla : #112598# some hints
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : Re-adding Scripting Framework after merge from srx644->HEAD
udk/unoil/drafts/com/sun/star/script/framework/ :, makefile.pmk ; udk/unoil/drafts/com/sun/star/script/framework/runtime/ udk/unoil/drafts/com/sun/star/script/framework/security/ udk/unoil/drafts/com/sun/star/script/framework/storage/
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# changes in thread testing errors removed. lla : #112598# lot of update stuff in osl::Thread, most are fixes. Should be errorfree within Linux
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# remove lastIndexOf tests, now in rtl/oustring lla : #112598# #108218# toDouble, valueOf changed
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : RESYNC:; toconnor : #i21858# - removal of framework namespace for browse and provider UNO services and interfaces of Scripting Framework dfoster : RESYNC:; dfoster : #i19805# adding scripting framework interface headers to d.lst
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112654# add -whereami parameter, for better debugging
tools/testshl2/source/codegen/ tools/testshl2/source/result/ : TestResult.cpp, signal.cxx ; tools/testshl2/inc/cppunit/result/ : TestResult.h, optionhelper.hxx ;
integrated : scriptingf1 toconnor : #i21858# - removal of framework namespace from namespace hierarchy of Scripting Framework UNO interfaces and services mav : #i19302# initialize MasterScriptProvider with the documet mav : #i19302# provide access to the document's MasterScriptProvider mav : #i19303# UNO API storage duplicate related stuff
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : #i19258# - display scripting framework scripts in Tools/Configure and other assignment dialogs
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : Re-adding files that were lost by the merge SRX644->HEAD.
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112535# file moved from inc
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# copy() with wrong values removed. lla : #112598# #108218# toDouble, valueOf changed
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# #108218# todouble/valueof
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : #i19258# - enable/disable display of Basic macros and Scripting Framework scripts depending on configuration values. dfoster : #i19258# - display scripting framework scripts in Tools/Configure and other assignment dialogs
integrated : scriptingf1 tbe : #i21560# editing a basic macro using script selector
framework/sfx2/inc/sfxsids.hrc framework/sfx2/source/view/viewfrm.cxx framework/sfx2/source/appl/appserv.cxx framework/sfx2/sdi/sfx.sdi
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# add lastIndexOf due to some problems in old code. lla : #112598# #108218# todouble/valueof
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : RESYNC:; toconnor : #i21858# - remove framework namespace to adhere to UNO idl naming convention of no more than 5 namespaces in depth dfoster : RESYNC:; npower : #i12906# updates to include new interfaces in new dcsssf::browse namespace dfoster : #i15986# Resolving conflicts going from SRX645->SRC680 dfoster : Re-addeding Scripting Framework IDLs
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# due to problems with thread testing, now this test is done at last. lla : #112598# add ByteSequence, new rtl xString toDouble valueOf tests
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# use of CPPUNITLIB for linking lla : #112598# changes in makefiles, to use dmake test
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : RESYNC:; toconnor : #i21858# - remove framework namespace from namespace hierarchy as the depth was not in line with convention for UNO idl namespaces dfoster : RESYNC:; Added missing targets to the util target. dfoster : Re-adding scripting framework
integrated : qadev13 mindyliu : #112598# fix some bug on windows: move, setAttributes, getFileSize mindyliu : #112598# compareFileName:Win32 version; add more cases in getAbsoluteFileURL, getSystemPathFromFileURL, createTempFile
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# changes in makefiles, to use dmake test
porting/sal/qa/osl/security/ porting/sal/qa/ByteSequence/ porting/sal/qa/osl/process/ porting/sal/qa/rtl/strings/ porting/sal/qa/rtl_strings/ porting/sal/qa/rtl/math/ porting/sal/qa/osl/socket/ porting/sal/qa/osl/condition/ porting/sal/qa/osl/pipe/ porting/sal/qa/osl/semaphore/ porting/sal/qa/rtl/alloc/ porting/sal/qa/osl/mutex/ porting/sal/qa/rtl/crc32/
integrated : qadev13 mindyliu : #112598# before bind, setOption(osl_Socket_OptionReuseAddr, sal_True ) to avoid bind failure mindyliu : #112598# change CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE to if statement, and change port binded lla : #112598# remove possible signal in ServerWriteSocketThread mindyliu : #112598# add read/write/send/receive cases in streamsocket mindyliu : #112598# gettheServicePort_003, getType, operator_equal_assign_001, getError lla : #112598# changes in setOption_001 & _002 mindyliu : #112598# some change in ctors_copy_no, operator_equal_assign, getLocalIP mindyliu : #112598# change some error message more detailed mindyliu : #112598# add more detailed error infor in SocketAddr::getHostname_001 mindyliu : #112598# some trival improvement mindyliu : #112598# change port number to fix bind failure; improve getHost()-->getThisHostname().
integrated : qadev13 mindyliu : #112598# module::load_002 updated mindyliu : #112598# module::load_002 added
integrated : scriptingf1 mav : #i19303# XDocumentSubStorageSupplier.idl
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# additional helper functions
integrated : qadev13 mindyliu : #112598# add string const for test
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# fixes in code lla : #112598# bug in testcode for OUStringBuffer ctor
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : #i16574# Renaming bshb7.jar -> bsh.jar dfoster : RESYNC:; dfoster : RESYNC:; tbe : #i18767# integration of Starbasic runtime to ScriptingFramework provider dfoster : #i15986# Updatd profile to reflect new services hierarchy. toconnor : IssueZilla 18637 Move from ScriptRuntime to ScriptProvider naming scheme dfoster : #i15986# Commiting duncans scp changes. needs reviewe/rework dfoster : RESYNC:; dfoster : #i15986# Add scripting framework to install sets
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : RESYNC:; toconnor : #i21858# - remove framework namespace to adhere to UNO idl naming convention of no more than 5 namespaces in depth mav : #i19303# document depends from embed dfoster : RESYNC:; npower : #i12906# Adding new interfaces in new namespace dcsssf:browse. dfoster : #i15986# Resolving conflicts going from SRX645->SRC680 dfoster : Re-adding targets for Scripting Framework
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : #i16574# Renaming bshb7.jar -> bsh.jar dfoster : RESYNC:; dfoster : #i21624# Addition of security check into the ScriptProtocolHandler necessitated a dep on sfx2. Hence the change in name. dfoster : RESYNC:; tbe : #i18767# integration of Starbasic runtime to ScriptingFramework provider toconnor : IssueZilla 18637 Move from ScriptRuntime to ScriptProvider naming scheme dfoster : #i15986# Commiting duncans scp changes. needs reviewe/rework dfoster : RESYNC:; dfoster : #i15986# The zip file contains the subdirs, so no need to have entries in dir.scp. dfoster : #i15986# Add scripting framework to install sets
integrated : scriptingf1 npower : #i19259# When the config tree is access from something other than a document ( for example the IDE ), there is no document model. In this case instead of accessing the MSP from the Doc model we need to create a MSP on the fly. dfoster : #i19259# - Use correct name for application depending when displaying scripts node. dfoster : #i21568# - Only display scripts in document for which the Tools/Configure dialog has been invoked. dfoster : RESYNC:; toconnor : #i21858# - removal of framework namespace from namespace hierarchy of Scripting Framework UNO interfaces and services dfoster : #i19258# - enable/disable display of Basic macros and Scripting Framework scripts depending on configuration values. dfoster : #i19258# - display scripting framework scripts in Tools/Configure and other assignment dialogs
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : #i21624# Adding method to allow the ScriptProtocolHandler to read the value of the MacroMode. toconnor : #i21858# - removal of framework namespace from namespace hierarchy of Scripting Framework UNO interfaces and services dfoster : #i19264# - support execution of scripting framework scripts
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112535# changes of include cmdlinebits
tools/testshl2/inc/cppunit/simpleheader.hxx tools/testshl2/inc/cppunit/autoregister/callbackstructure.h
integrated : scriptingf1 toconnor : #i21858# - removal of framework namespace from namespace hierarchy of Scripting Framework UNO services and interfaces dfoster : RESYNC:; dfoster : #i19595# #i19331# #i15986# Checked in for NP dfoster : #i15986# Updatd profile to reflect new services hierarchy. toconnor : IssueZilla 18637 Move from ScriptRuntime to ScriptProvider naming scheme dfoster : #i15986# changes service definitions for Runtimes to be Providers. dfoster : #i15986# Commiting scp changes for scripting framework. needs reviewe/rework
integrated : scriptingf1 dfoster : RESYNC:; dfoster : #i19262# - Enable scripting framework scripts to be persisted for forms
integrated : scriptingf1 toconnor : #i21858# - removal of framework namespace from namespace hierarchy of Scripting Framework UNO interfaces and services mav : #i19302# provide access to the document's MasterScriptProvider mav : #i19303# UNO API storage duplicate related stuff
integrated : qadev13 mindyliu : #112598# remove case to test Pipe::isValid,StreamPipe::operater= since they are not impletmented. no defination of error: osl_Pipe_E_NotFound, osl_Pipe_E_AlreadyExists in osl/pipe.c mindyliu : #112598# add test case to test write/read/send/recv
integrated : scriptingf1 toconnor : #i21858# - remove framework namespace to adhere to UNO idl naming convention of no more than 5 namespaces in depth dfoster : Re-adding files that were lost by the merge SRX644->HEAD.
integrated : qadev13 lla : #112598# new makefile format. lla : #112598# #108218# todouble/valueof

HEAD was changed by Martin Maher(mmaher)
modified : Re-added missing line from StarLite histry

HEAD was changed by IHA(iha)
modified : remove random x values
modified : new defaults for 3rd scale
graphics/chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.cxx graphics/chart2/source/view/axes/VCoordinateSystem.cxx
modified : added methods isDragableObject and isRotateableObject
graphics/chart2/source/inc/chartview/ObjectIdentifier.hxx graphics/chart2/source/view/main/ObjectIdentifier.cxx
modified : during rebuild of view only delete the view and its single draw page; keep draw model and draw view alive -> dialog can be kept alive during view rebuild
modified : removed unused code
modified : font resize for axis
graphics/chart2/source/view/inc/VAxisProperties.hxx graphics/chart2/source/view/main/ChartView.cxx graphics/chart2/source/view/axes/ : VAxisProperties.cxx, VAxis.cxx ;
modified : enable three scale groups in tree
modified : added methods isMathematicalOrientationX/Y/Z
modified : handle reverse oriented axes properly
graphics/chart2/source/view/main/PlottingPositionHelper.cxx graphics/chart2/source/view/axes/ : TickmarkHelper.cxx, VAxisProperties.cxx, VGrid.cxx ;
modified : add ChartType-Model to 'ChartType-View' to get charttype specific values (e.g. spline type)
graphics/chart2/source/view/inc/VSeriesPlotter.hxx graphics/chart2/source/view/charttypes/ : AreaChart.cxx, AreaChart.hxx, BarChart.cxx, BarChart.hxx, PieChart.cxx, PieChart.hxx, VSeriesPlotter.cxx ; graphics/chart2/source/view/main/ChartView.cxx
modified : enable ScatterChart
modified : symbols in front of lines - added m_xShapeFront/BackChild
graphics/chart2/source/view/inc/VDataSeries.hxx graphics/chart2/source/view/main/VDataSeries.cxx
modified : correct z positioning for 3D line chart
modified : start enable dragging and rotation
modified : provide correct x maximum and minimum for continuous(not category) x-axis
graphics/chart2/source/view/inc/VSeriesPlotter.hxx graphics/chart2/source/view/charttypes/ : VSeriesPlotter.cxx, AreaChart.cxx, AreaChart.hxx ;
modified : introduced flag bCategoryXAxis to distinguish line and scatter charts even if having data series with x-values
modified : return NAN if no x value is available
modified : use SplineOrder and CurveResolution from model
graphics/chart2/source/view/charttypes/ : AreaChart.cxx, AreaChart.hxx ;
modified : enable symbols for scatter chart
modified : added methods isDragableObjectHitTwice and changeSelection
graphics/chart2/source/controller/main/ : SelectionHelper.hxx, SelectionHelper.cxx ;
modified : added method ReInit for using an updated first page
graphics/chart2/source/controller/drawinglayer/DrawViewWrapper.cxx graphics/chart2/source/controller/inc/DrawViewWrapper.hxx
modified : set D3DSceneTwoSidedLighting to true for correct 3D linechart display
modified : added virtual destructor
modified : added member m_xDrawPages for removing draw page in destructor
modified : crash while having minimal page sizes
modified : manipulate z value only in case of 3D
modified : coorected cube creation
modified : symbols in front of lines - use getSeriesGroupShapeFront/BackChild
modified : don't keep DrawViewWrapper during resize to avoid crash; delete wrapper in destructor
modified : added virtual destructor and member m_xDrawPages for removing draw page in destructor
modified : symbols in front of lines - added getSeriesGroupShapeFront/BackChild
graphics/chart2/source/view/inc/VSeriesPlotter.hxx graphics/chart2/source/view/charttypes/VSeriesPlotter.cxx
modified : changed signature of createGroupShape
graphics/chart2/source/view/inc/PlotterBase.hxx graphics/chart2/source/view/main/PlotterBase.cxx
modified : handle reverse oriented axes properly; corrected fCompleteHeight; changed test geometries

HEAD was changed by Kai Sommerfeld(kso)
added :
ucb/ucb/test ucb/ucb/test/com/sun ucb/ucb/test/com/sun/star/comp/ucb ucb/ucb/test/com/sun/star ucb/ucb/test/com ucb/ucb/test/com/sun/star/comp
modified : removed obsolete comments regarding behavior of 'insert' and 'transfer'; added documentation for globalTransfer; small corrections
modified : CORBA-related corrections from Matthias Riese (

HEAD was changed by MMP(mmp)
added : new protocoll
modified :