:: com :: sun :: star ::

module view
Document view specfic interfaces (e.g. selection access and printing).

OfficeDocumentView specifies a view of a standard office document.
PrintOptions describes the options for print jobs.
PrintSettings provides access to the settings for printing documents.
PrinterDescriptor describes a printer by specifying the queue name and some settings.
RenderDescriptor describes the options for Render jobs.
RenderOptions describes the options for Render jobs.
ViewSettings provides access to the settings of the controller of an office document.
XControlAccess provides access to the controls in a view.
XFormLayerAccess provides access to the form layer elements in a view
XLineCursor makes it possible to move a cursor by lines within laid out text.
XMultiSelectionSupplier makes it possible to append and remove objects from a selection.
XPrintJob allows for getting information about a print job.
XPrintJobBroadcaster allows for getting information about a print job.
XPrintJobListener receives events about print job progress.
XPrintPreview [ DEPRECATED ]
XPrintSettingsSupplier offers printing related settings, which affect document rendering, but are not related to the printer itself.
XPrintable offers printing functionality.
XPrintableBroadcaster allows for getting information about a print job.
XPrintableListener receives events about print job progress.
XRenderable represents something that can be rendered.
XScreenCursor makes it possible to page through the document in steps of the displayed size.
XSelectionChangeListener makes it possible to receive an event when the current selection changes.
XSelectionSupplier makes it possible to access and change the selection in a view.
XViewCursor makes it possible to move a cursor up/down/left/right within laid out text.
XViewSettingsSupplier provides access to the view settings of the object.
PrintJobEvent specifies the print progress of an XPrintJob.
PrintableStateEvent specifies the print progress of an XPrintable.
PaperFormat specifies the format (size) of the paper on a text document.
PaperOrientation specifies the orientation of the paper.
PrintableState specifies the print progress of an XPrintable.
SelectionType Specifies a selection type for a view that supports a selection model.
Constant Groups
DocumentZoomType These constants specify how the document content is zoomed into the document view.
DuplexMode These constants specify available duplex modes
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