:: com :: sun :: star ::

module script
Scripting language bindings.

Nested Modules
AllListenerAdapter makes it possible to generate the adapters from specific interfaces to the interface XAllListener.
Converter This service provides a widening converter converting from one type to another, if possible.
DocumentDialogLibraryContainer defines a container of dialog libraries, which is to be made persistent in a sub storage of a document storage.
DocumentScriptLibraryContainer defines a container of StarBasic script libraries, which is to be made persistent in a sub storage of a document storage.
service that any scripting engine must implement.
Invocation factory service that allows construction of Invocation objects.
InvocationAdapterFactory Provides functionality to create an adapter that supports (a) special interface type(s) and maps calls to the interface's methods to an invocation interface.
JavaScript [ DEPRECATED ]
service is implementation of a JavaScript interpreter.
XAllListener specifies a listener combining all methods of a listener interface in a single generic call.
XAllListenerAdapterService allows the generation of adapters from specific interfaces to the XAllListener interface.
XDebugging [ DEPRECATED ]
makes it possible to set breakpoints in an interpreter.
XDefaultMethod An object supporting this interface indicates to interested parties or clients the name of the default method for this object.
XDefaultProperty An object supporting this interface indicates to interested parties or clients the name of the default propery for this object.
XDirectInvocation provides access to an object's methods and properties.
makes it possible to control a scripting engine.
XEngineListener [ DEPRECATED ]
makes it possible to receive events from a scripting engine.
XEventAttacher makes it possible to attach script events given by a sequence of ScriptEventDescriptor structures to a given interface.
XEventAttacherManager registers listeners for specified events.
XInvocation gives access to an object's methods and properties. Container access is available through ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexContainer, ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer and ::com::sun::star::container::XEnumerationAccess.

XInvocation2 Extension of XInvocation to provide additional information about the methods and properties that are accessable via XInvocation.

XInvocationAdapterFactory [ DEPRECATED ]
Interface to create adapter objects giving a type to be supported and a an invocation interface incoming calls are delegated to. This interface is deprecated. Use XInvocationAdapterFactory2.
XInvocationAdapterFactory2 Interface to create adapter objects giving types to be supported and a an invocation interface incoming calls are delegated to.
XLibraryAccess [ DEPRECATED ]
provides access to additional scripting code.
XLibraryContainer Provides access to a library system.
XLibraryContainer2 Extension of XLibraryContainer to provide additional information about the libraries contained in a library container
XLibraryContainer3 Extension of XLibraryContainer2.
XLibraryContainerExport Extension of XLibraryContainer to provide functionality to store a library to a location represented by a URL.
XLibraryContainerPassword Extension of XLibraryContainer to provide password functionality. This interface should be implemented together with XLibraryContainer2

XPersistentLibraryContainer describes a container of script libraries which is persistent.
XScriptEventsAttacher This interface can be used to attach script events to a number of objects that give access to the definition of events that should be attached to them, e.g., by supporting XEventsSupplier
XScriptEventsSupplier Gives access to an event container represented by an XNameContainer containing ScriptEventDescriptor instances.
XScriptListener makes it possible to receive ScriptEvents.
XStarBasicAccess [ DEPRECATED ]
Interface representing a library and provides access to its modules
XStarBasicDialogInfo [ DEPRECATED ]
Interface describing old style basic dialog (SI controls) in binary data
XStarBasicLibraryInfo [ DEPRECATED ]
Interface representing a library and provides access to its modules
XStarBasicModuleInfo [ DEPRECATED ]
Script Module containing some scripting code in a certain scripting language
XStorageBasedLibraryContainer is the interface for an XLibraryContainer which can be made persistent in an ::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage.
XTypeConverter Interface to provide standard type conversions.
AllEventObject This event is a wrapper for an original event in a forwarding event.
ArrayWrapper Allows an UNO sequence that is passed between different language boundries to indicate it prefers to be represented as a multidimensional array with 0 or 1 based indices. UNO does not natively represent Multi-Dimensional arrays, instead a sequence can have elements that are themselves sequences (an array of arrays ).
ContextInformation [ DEPRECATED ]
provides information about a certain stack frame.
FinishEngineEvent [ DEPRECATED ]
event contains the reasons and the data for the XEngineListener::finished() method.
InterruptEngineEvent [ DEPRECATED ]
describes an interrupt which occurs in the scripting engine.
InvocationInfo This struct is used to specify information about object members (methods or properties) accessed via XInvocation, such as names, types, or parameters.

ScriptEvent script event that gets delivered whenever a script event takes place.
ScriptEventDescriptor describes an effect, especially a script to be executed, for a certain event given by the listener type and the name of the event method.
BasicErrorException is thrown in order to transport an error to Basic.
CannotConvertException This exception is thrown to indicate that a type conversion can not be performed.
CannotCreateAdapterException is thrown by an attacher if an adapter service cannot create the appropriate adapter.
LibraryNotLoadedException is thrown when an operation on a unloaded library is attempted which requires the library being loaded.
ModuleSizeExceededRequest Is used for interaction handle in case password protected modules exceed the size that can be stored in Openoffice 2.x, 1.x formats
FinishReason [ DEPRECATED ]
contains the response for a scripting engine termination.
InterruptReason [ DEPRECATED ]
values used to specify the response for a scripting engine interrupt.
MemberType These values are used to specify a member accessible by XInvocation.
Constant Groups
FailReason These values specify the reason why a type conversion failed.
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