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module rendering
Interfaces and data structures for rendering

BitmapCanvas This service provides the interfaces for a XBitmapCanvas
Canvas Service providing an XCanvas interface
CanvasFactory The CanvasFactory is used to create the Canvas objects, evaluating the user's configuration preferences from /org.openoffice.VCL/Settings/Canvas/PreferredServices. The latter specifies a string list of service names to use.
XAnimatedSprite This interface can be used to control an animated sprite object.
XAnimation This interface defines an animation sequence.
XBezierPolyPolygon2D This is a specialized interface for a 2D poly-polygon containing straight line and bezier segments.
XBitmap This is a generic interface to a bitmap.
XBitmapCanvas This is a specialization of the canvas interface for bitmapped canvases.
XBitmapPalette Interface to access the palette of a color-indexed bitmap.
XBufferController Interface providing access to double/multi-buffer facilities of screen devices.
XCachedPrimitive Interface for cached repaint of already drawn XCanvas primitives.
XCanvas Central interface for rendering.
XCanvasFont This interface provides access to a specific, XCanvas-dependent font incarnation. This font is not universally usable, but belongs to the XCanvas it was queried from.
XColorSpace Information how to interpret certain color data.
XCustomSprite Interface to control a custom sprite object on a XSpriteCanvas.
XGraphicDevice This interface provides access to a graphic device, such as a printer, or a screen device. Every canvas (
XHalfFloatBitmap Specialized interface for bitmaps containing half floats as their color components.
XHalfFloatReadOnlyBitmap Specialized interface for bitmaps containing half floats as their color components. Half floats are 16 bit wide, and some high-end GPUs already have them as supported frame buffer format. In contrast to XHalfFloatBitmap, this interface only permits read-only access.
XIeeeDoubleBitmap This is a specialized interface for bitmaps containing IEEE doubles for their color components.
XIeeeDoubleReadOnlyBitmap This is a specialized interface for bitmaps containing IEEE doubles for their color components. In contrast to XIeeeDoubleBitmap, this interface only permits read-only access.
XIeeeFloatBitmap Specialized interface for bitmaps containing IEEE floats as their color components.
XIeeeFloatReadOnlyBitmap Specialized interface for bitmaps containing IEEE floats as their color components. In contrast to XIeeeFloatBitmap, this interface only permits read-only access.
XIntegerBitmap This is a specialized interface for bitmaps having integer color channels.
XIntegerBitmapColorSpace A color space for integer bitmap formats
XIntegerReadOnlyBitmap This is a specialized interface for bitmaps having integer color channels. In contrast to XIntegerBitmap, this interface only permits read-only access.
XLinePolyPolygon2D Specialized interface for a 2D poly-polygon containing only straight line segments.
XParametricPolyPolygon2D Interface to a dynamic poly-polygon generator, that generates poly-polygons depending on a given parameter value.
XPolyPolygon2D Generic interface for poly-polygons in 2D.
XSimpleCanvas Provides the basic graphical output operations for a canvas.
XSprite Interface to control a sprite object.
XSpriteCanvas Specialization of a XBitmapCanvas, where moving, animated objects (called sprites) are supported.
XTextLayout This is the central interface for text layouting.
XVolatileBitmap This is a specialized interface to a volatile bitmap (which can become invalid at any point in time).
ARGBColor ARGB color quad
AnimationAttributes This structure contains attributes needed to run an animation.
Caret This structure contains the caret information.
ColorProfile ICC Color profile
FloatingPointBitmapLayout This structure describes the memory layout of a bitmap having floating point color channels.
FontInfo This structure provides information about a specific font.
FontMetrics Metrics global to the font, i.e. not specific to single glyphs. The font height is defined as ascent+descent+internalLeading, and therefore not explicitely included here.
FontRequest This structure contains all information necessary to describe a font to be queried from XCanvas.
IntegerBitmapLayout This structure describes the memory layout of a bitmap having integer color channels.
RGBColor RGB color triplet
RenderState This structure contains information passed to each XCanvas render operation.
StringContext Collection of string-related arguments used on all canvas text interfaces.
StrokeAttributes This structure contains all attributes required for path stroking.
TextHit This structure contains hit information for XTextLayout.
Texture Contains all information needed to define a texture.
ViewState This structure contains information considered the view state.
VolatileContentDestroyedException This exception indicates an invalid volatile bitmap content.
FillRule Determines which algorithm to use when determining inside and outside of filled poly-polygons.
ColorComponent Shorthand for the device-dependent color components, and easier to read
Constant Groups
AnimationRepeat This are the possible repeat modes for animations.
BlendMode These constants determine some extra ways how the primitive color is combined with the background.
ColorComponentTag A collection of tags for the individual components of a color.
ColorSpaceType Categories for color spaces
CompositeOperation These constants determine how the primitive color is combined with the background.
EmphasisMark These constants control the automatic rendering of emphasis marks.
FloatingPointBitmapFormat This structure describes format of a floating point bitmap.
InterpolationMode These constants specify the interpolation type for animation frames.
PathCapType These constants determine which shape to use for start or end of a stroked path.
PathJoinType Determines which shape to use when joining path segments.
RenderingIntent The rendering intent for a color space.
RepaintResult These constants specify the result of the XCachedPrimitive render operation.
TextDirection Specifies main text direction in a text portion.
TexturingMode Enumeration of possible values to spread a texture across a primitive.
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