:: com :: sun :: star ::

module registry
Interfaces to access registration databases.

DefaultRegistry implicitly supports a local registry and a read-only system registry for global information. In the context of this service, the functions open, close, and destroy from XSimpleRegistry are not supported and throw an exception if they are used.
ImplementationRegistration is the implementation of the interface XImplementationRegistration. This service can be used to install or uninstall components (implementations). Further, it is possible to check if all runtime dependencies (needed services) are available to use a specified component. Guarantees:
NestedRegistry supports a shared view on two different registries. The registry files will be opened in two different modes, registry1 will be opened with read/write rights and registry2 will be opened read-only. In the context of this service, the functions open, close, and destroy from XSimpleRegistry are not supported and throw an exception if they are used.
SimpleRegistry makes it possible to create, open, or close a registry. Further, it is possible to merge a registry under a specified key in the open registry. Guarantees:
XImplementationRegistration offers a registry for implementation objects and provides information about the registered implementations.
XImplementationRegistration2 extends the functionality of XImplementationRegistration. It can be useful to specify a complete Url to a component but register the components name only (library or jar name).
XRegistryKey makes structural information (except regarding tree structures) of a single registry key accessible.
XSimpleRegistry allows access to a registry (a persistent data source). The data is stored in a hierarchical key structure beginning with a root key. Each key can store a value and can have multiple subkeys.
CannotRegisterImplementationException is thrown when an application tries to register a new component (implementation) using the XImplementationRegistration::registerImplementation() method, but the component cannot be registered. The reason for this exception could be:

InvalidRegistryException signals that the registry is invalid or an operation on the registry failed.
InvalidValueException signals that the value of the key is invalid or does not have the appropriate key type.
MergeConflictException is thrown if entries of two registries are contradictory in the context of XSimpleRegistry::mergeKey()e method.
RegistryKeyType represents all possible types of a key.
RegistryValueType represents all possible types of a key value.
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