:: com :: sun :: star ::

module presentation
Presentation specific interfaces.

ChartShape This service is implemented by the chart presentation shape.
CustomPresentation A custom presentation can show the pages of its presentation in a customized order.
CustomPresentationAccess This is a container for custom presentations.
DateTimeShape This service is implemented by the date and time presentation shape.
DocumentSettings describes properties that apply to the whole presentation document.
DrawPage This is the service provided by a ::com::sun::star::drawing::DrawPage inside a PresentationDocument.
FooterShape This service is implemented by the footer presentation shape.
GraphicObjectShape This service is implemented by the graphic presentation shape.
HandoutShape This service is implemented by the handout presentation shape.
HandoutView This componend integrates a view to a handout page inside a presentation document into the desktop.
HeaderShape This service is implemented by the header presentation shape.
NotesShape This service is implemented by the notes presentation shape.
NotesView This componend integrates a view to a handout page inside a presentation document into the desktop.
OLE2Shape This service is implemented by the OLE2 presentation shape.
OutlineView This componend integrates an outline view to a presentation document into the desktop. In an outline view, the textual contents of presentation text objects from all presentation pages are presentet as a continous outline text.
OutlinerShape This service is implemented by the outline presentation shape.
PageShape This service is implemented by the page presentation shape.
Presentation This service is a presentation that is available from a PresentationDocument via the XPresentationSupplier interface.
Presentation2 enhances the Presentation service to give access to a XPresentation2 interface.
PresentationDocument This is the service provided by a presentation document.
PresentationView This component integrates a view to a slide show of a presentation document into the desktop.
PreviewView This componend integrates a preview view to a slide show of a presentation document into the desktop.
Shape this service is supported from all shapes inside a PresentationDocument. This usually enahnces objects of type ::com::sun::star::drawing::Shape with presentation properties.
SlideNumberShape This service is implemented by the slide number presentation shape.
SlidesView This componend integrates a slides view to a presentation document into the desktop. In a slides view, the pages of a presentation document are displayed to the user as thumbnails and can be arranged and cut/copied to/from the clipboard.
SubtitleShape This service is implemented by the subtitle presentation shape.
TitleTextShape This service is implemented by the title and subtitle presentation shape.
XCustomPresentationSupplier must be supported to provide access to customized presentations of a presentation document.
XHandoutMasterSupplier returns the handout master page for this document
XPresentation With this interface you can control any object that implements a Presentation.
XPresentation2 enhances the XPresentation interface to give access to a XSlideShowController and to start a presentation with arguments.
XPresentationPage describes a page from a presentation.
XPresentationSupplier controls a presentation directly. This supplier will do this.
XShapeEventListener Listener interface to receive shape-specific events.
XSlideShow Slideshow interface to perform slideshow presentations.
XSlideShowController interface to control a running slideshow.
XSlideShowListener Listener interface to receive global slide show events.
XSlideShowView View interface to display slideshow presentations on.
XTransition Transition interface to render custom transitions over time.
XTransitionFactory TransitionFactory interface to request optional custom Transition instances for slideshow transitions.
ParagraphTarget an event has a source that causes an event to be fired and a trigger that defines under which condition an event should be raised and an offset if the event should be raised a defined amount of time after the event is triggered.
AnimationEffect specifies the animation effects for animating text or objects.
AnimationSpeed specifies the speed values of animation/fade effects.
ClickAction This enumeration specifies the actions which can be processed when a user clicks on an object.
FadeEffect specifies the fade effects to fade one page into another.
PresentationRange specifies which part of the presentation is to show.
Constant Groups
EffectNodeType This constants defines a type for an animation effect node.
This is stored with the name node-type inside the ::::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode::UserData sequence.
This does not manipulate the timing or syncronization. It can be used to quickly identify semantic blocks inside an animation hierachy.
EffectPresetClass This constants defines a the class for a preset animation effect.
This is stored with the name preset-class inside the ::::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode::UserData sequence.
This does not manipulate the timing or syncronization. It can be used to quickly identify preset animations inside an animation hierachy.
ShapeAnimationSubType Defines the whole shape or a subitem as a target for an effect.
TextAnimationType Defines how a target ::XTextRange is animated inside an ::IterateContainer.
This is stored inside the attribute ::IterateContainer::IterateType.
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