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module mozilla
Interfaces for Mozilla integration.

MenuProxy Allows to execute dispatch for a menu item and handles listeners for changes in menu items.
MenuProxyListener Listens for changes in menu items.
MozillaBootstrap Allow to discover Mozilla/Thunderbird profiles Allow init Mozilla XPCOM using selected profile and switch profiles.
XCloseSessionListener Listener for closing of the corresponding session.
XCodeProxy is the interface to run Mozilla XPCOM code to run Mozilla XPCOM code in OOo,you should first implement this interface, then pass this object to xProxyRunner->Run
XMenuProxy Allows to execute dispatch for a menu item and handles listeners for changes in menu items.
XMenuProxyListener Listens for changes in menu items.
XPluginInstance Allows to controll an office side plugin instance and to communicate with it. This interface is oriented for communication with browsers plugins.
XPluginInstanceNotifySink Allows a plugin to get notification from office side about status of new document opening. This interface is oriented for communication with browsers plugins.
XPluginInstancePeer Allows to communicate with a plugin from the office side. This interface is oriented for communication with browsers plugins.
XPluginInstanceSyncPeer This interface is an extention for XPluginInstancePeer interface. An object can support this interface in addition to XPluginInstancePeer interface.
XPluginWindowPeer Allows to notify a plugin from the office side about plugin window's child window creation. This interface is oriented for communication with browsers plugins.
XProfileDiscover is the interface used to list and get information for Mozilla/Thunderbird profiles
XProfileManager is the interface to bootup and switch Mozilla/Thunderbird profiles
XProxyRunner is the interface run Mozilla XPCOM code in a managered environment
XRemoteServiceManagerProvider [ DEPRECATED ]
Allows creation of the remote service manager for given session. This interface is oriented for communication with browsers plugins.
MenuMultipleChange Explains properties of a menu item
MenuSingleChange Explains a change for a menu item
MozillaProductType Mozilla Product Types
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