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module chart
Charting diagram interfaces.

AccessibleChartDocumentView The AccessibleChartDocumentView service is supported by a Component that represents the view of a Chart document to provide an entry point to the document tree for accessibility.
AccessibleChartElement This service is supported by all components that are contained in the view of a chart document that are controlled by the chart. Shapes added by a user via the clipboard are not treated as chart elements.
AreaDiagram This is a service for area diagrams.
BarDiagram This is a service for bar and column diagrams.
BubbleDiagram a service for bubble diagrams.
Chart3DBarProperties Specifies all the properties for the graphic object of a data point in a three-dimensional bar diagram.
ChartArea Specifies the area elements of a chart, e.g. the background area, the diagram wall, and the diagram floor of three-dimensional charts.
ChartAxis Specifies the axes in a diagram.
ChartAxisXSupplier has to be supported by charts providing the cpabilities of a horizontal axis, i.e., an x-axis.
ChartAxisYSupplier A helper service for the y-axis.
ChartAxisZSupplier A helper service for chart documents which supply a z-axis.
ChartData must be supported by every component that wants to provide data for a chart
ChartDataArray must be supported by each data source for charts, where you want to access the values directly.
ChartDataPointProperties specifies all the properties for the graphic object of a data point (e.g., a single bar in a bar chart).
ChartDataRowProperties specifies the properties for a group of graphic elements which belong to a data row (also known as data series).
ChartDocument is the service for a chart document.
ChartGrid specifies the grid of the diagram in a chart.
ChartLegend specifies the legend of a chart.
ChartLine specifies line elements in a chart (regression lines, etc.).
ChartPieSegmentProperties specifies all the properties for the graphic object of a pie segment.
ChartStatistics offers statistical properties for the data in the chart. It is available for a single data row and for the whole diagram.
ChartTableAddressSupplier This is a helper service for access to table Address to cell ranges of the container document of a chart. The cell addresses are in the format of the application that contains this chart.
ChartTitle specifies titles in a chart.
ChartTwoAxisXSupplier a helper service for chart documents which supply primary and secondary x-axes.
ChartTwoAxisYSupplier a helper service for chart documents which supply primary and secondary y-axes.
Diagram the base service for the diagram of the chart document.
Dim3DDiagram is a service for diagrams that support the capability to render themselves as three-dimensional diagrams as well as two-dimensional ones.
DonutDiagram a service for donut diagrams.
FilledNetDiagram specifies filled net diagrams.
LineDiagram specifies line, spline and symbol diagrams.
NetDiagram specifies net diagrams.
PieDiagram a service for pie diagrams.
StackableDiagram a helper service for stackable chart types (e.g., charts in which the data rows may be displayed stacked on each other or in percent relation).
StockDiagram specifies a diagram which can be used for presenting stock quotes.
XYDiagram a service for X/Y diagrams (Also known as scatter charts).
X3DDefaultSetter makes it easy to set suiteable defaults for illumination and rotation for 3D charts
X3DDisplay gives access to 3D elements of a three-dimensional chart.
XAxis Allows easier access to the different subelements of an axis.
XAxisSupplier Easier access to the different axes within a chart.
XAxisXSupplier gives access to the x-axis of a chart.
XAxisYSupplier gives access to the y-axis of a chart.
XAxisZSupplier gives access to the z-axis of a chart.
XChartData manages the data of the chart.
XChartDataArray gives access to data represented as an array of rows.
XChartDataChangeEventListener makes it possible to receive events when chart data changes.
XChartDocument manages the chart document.
XComplexDescriptionAccess Offers access to complex column and row descriptions.
XDateCategories Allows to set date values as categories.
XDiagram manages the diagram of the chart document.
XDiagramPositioning allow for different positioning options for a diagram
XStatisticDisplay gives access to statistical elements for the chart.
XTwoAxisXSupplier gives access to both the primary and the secondary x-axis of a chart.
XTwoAxisYSupplier gives access to both the primary and the secondary y-axis of a diagram.
ChartDataChangeEvent describes a change that was applied to the data.
ChartDataRow [ DEPRECATED ]
describes a single data row, specified by its name and a sequence of data points.
ChartDataValue [ DEPRECATED ]
describes a single data value, including the error
ChartSeriesAddress This structure describes a single data row, specified by its name and a sequence of data points.
TimeIncrement A TimeIncrement describes how tickmarks are positioned on the scale of a date-time axis.
TimeInterval Describes an interval on a date-axis
ChartAxisArrangeOrderType Values specify the arrangement of the axes descriptions.
ChartAxisLabelPosition Specifies the position of the axis labels with respect to the axis on the scale of the crossing axis.
ChartAxisMarkPosition Specifies the position of the axis interval marks.
ChartAxisPosition Specifies the position of the axis on the scale of the crossing axis. When the property is set at a x-axis it indicates a position on the scale of the primary y-axis. When the property is set at a y-axis it indicates a position on the scale of the primary x-axis.
ChartDataChangeType specifies the type of change that was applied to the data.
ChartDataRowSource specifies if the data rows (aka data series) displayed in the chart, take their values from the row or the column in the underlying data source (ChartDataArray).
ChartErrorCategory specifies the category of error indicators.
ChartErrorIndicatorType specifies how the error is indicated.
ChartLegendExpansion Specifies sizing aspects of the legend
ChartLegendPosition specifies one of the default positions of the legend in relation to the diagram.
ChartRegressionCurveType specifiest the type of the regression curve to be displayed.
ChartDataPoint [ DEPRECATED ]
Constant Groups
ChartAxisAssign These values specify to which y-axis a data row is assigned.
ChartAxisMarks With these constants you can specify how the tick-marks of an axis are displayed.
ChartDataCaption These values specify how the captions of data points are displayed.
ChartSolidType These values specify the type of solid shapes for data points of 3D bar charts.
ChartSymbolType These values specify the type of the symbol used for data points.
DataLabelPlacement These values specify where the captions/labels of data points are displayed.
ErrorBarStyle specifies the style of error indicators.
MissingValueTreatment This specifies how empty or invalid cells in the provided data should be handled when plotted.
TimeUnit Specifies a unit for intervals on a date-time axis
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