paragraph enumeration text createEnumeration createContentEnumeration TextContent TextGraphicObject getAvailableServiceNames Andrew Pitonyak How can I enumerate the content in a Writer document and identify the contained graphics images?

The primary reason to enumerate text content is to export the document. I was recently asked how to recognize graphics objects embedded in the text. The FindGraphics macro finds graphics objects that are anchored to a paragraph, anchored to a character, and inserted as a character. This does not find images anchored to the page.

Sub FindGraphics REM Author: Andrew Pitonyak Dim oParEnum 'Enumerator used to enumerate the paragraphs Dim oPar 'The enumerated paragraph Dim oSectionEnum 'Enumerator used to enumerate the text sections Dim oSection 'The enumerated text section Dim oContentEnum 'Enum content, such as graphics objects Dim oContent 'The numerated content REM Enumerate the paragraphs. REM Tables are enumerated along with paragraphs oParEnum = ThisComponent.getText().createEnumeration() Do While oParEnum.hasMoreElements() oPar = oParEnum.nextElement() REM This avoids the tables. Add an else statement if you want to REM process the tables. If oPar.supportsService("") Then REM If you want to see the types that are available for enumeration as REM content associated with this paragraph, then look at the REM available service names. REM MsgBox Join(oPar.getAvailableServiceNames(), CHR$(10) REM Typically, I use an empty string to enumerate ALL content, REM but this causes a runtime error here. If any graphics images are REM present, then they are enumerated as TextContent. oContentEnum = oPar.createContentEnumeration("") Do While oContentEnum.hasMoreElements() oContent = oContentEnum.nextElement() If oContent.supportsService("") Then Print "Found a graphic object anchored to a Paragraph" End If Loop REM Now, enumerate the text sections and look for graphics that REM are anchored to a character, or as a character. oSectionEnum = oPar.createEnumeration() Do While oSectionEnum.hasMoreElements() oSection = oSectionEnum.nextElement() If oSection.TextPortionType = "Text" Then REM This is a simply text object! REM MsgBox oSection.TextPortionType & " : " & CHR$(10) & oSection.getString() ElseIf oSection.TextPortionType = "Frame" Then REM Use an empty string to enumerate ALL of the content oContentEnum = oSection.createContentEnumeration("") Do While oContentEnum.hasMoreElements() oContent = oContentEnum.nextElement() If oContent.supportsService("") Then Print "Found a graphic object anchored to or as a character" End If Loop End If Loop End If Loop End Sub
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