Schema Java Persistence (JPA) - Entity Data Model (EDM) Mapping schema. The schema defines a mapping model to describe EDM names for entity types, entity sets, entity properties, entity navigation properties. By default the names of Java Persistence entity types, entity attributes and entity relationships are transformed into their corresponding EDM names. To override the default names the mapping model is defined. Note:- Define the mapping model for only those default names that needs to be overridden. The default name for EDM property is derived from JPA attribute name. This can be overridden using JPAAttributeMapType. The default name for EDM navigation property is derived from JPA relationship name. This can be overridden using JPARelationshipMapType. The default name for EDM entity type is derived from JPA entity type name. This can be overridden using JPAEntityTypeMapType. The default name for EDM complex type is derived from JPA Embeddable type name. This can be overridden using JPAEmbeddableTypeMapType. By default Java Persistence Unit name is taken as EDM schema name. This can be overridden using JPAPersistenceUnitMapType.