Building the Olingo OData Client for JavaScript

Test tool prerequisites

Open your (git-)bash and navigate to the folder olingo-odata4-js/

Entry the grunt -version command to show the version of the globaly installed grund-client and the local grunt installation:

$ grunt -version
grunt-cli v0.1.13
grunt v0.4.5


To build the odatajs library use the grunt task chain build.

grunt build

This task builds the odatajs library

The files are created in the ./_build folder:

grunt release

This task builds the odatajs library and creates the files for the release

The release files are created in the ./_dist/odatajs- folder:


Signs the zipped files in the /_dist folder. The signing files are also stored in the /_dist folder.

Sign the NuGet package

The odatajs..nupkg filed needs to be signed manually.

Check the license headers

Please ensure that the rat tool is properly installed (see project-setup documentaion) and run

grunt license-check

The license-check log files are created in the ./_build/tmp directory.

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