Olingo OData Client for JavaScript

The Olingo OData Client for JavaScript (odatajs) is a library written in JavaScript that enables browser based frontend applications to easily use the OData protocol for communication with application servers.

This library "odatajs-4.0.0.min.js" supports only the OData V4 protocol.

For using the OData protocols V1-V3 please refer to the datajs library

The odatajs library can be included in any html page with the script tag (for example) <script type="text/javascript" src="./sources/odatajs-4.0.0.min.js"></script> and its features can be used through the odatajs namespace (or window.odatajs). The odatajs library can be used together with the datajs library which uses the window.OData namespace.

For API documentation please see ODatajs API documentation

You may also use the documentation and the samples from the datajs library because the features and API are similar.


Features ported from DataJS V3 to Olingo OData Client for JavaScript to support OData V4

Contribute to Olingo OData Client for JavaScript

If you are interested to contribute to this library please have a look into Project setup and Build instructions where you find a manual how you can download the source code and build the odatajs library.

If you intend so please also join the Olingo developers group for discussion.

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