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Setup Test Environment with Maven

First of all, you need to include the required test dependencies into your project:

<!-- MyFaces 2.2.x should be available as a compile dependency or
     as a test dependency -->
<!-- Base library to run MyFaces in a JUnit test. If you are
     using MyFaces Core 2.2.1 use the same version number -->

<!-- The library uses Myfaces-Test mock objects -->

<!-- Don't forget junit -->

<!-- Don't forget to include an EL implementation, otherwise
     you will use the mock EL implementation bundled with
     MyFaces Test -->

Suppose a typical web application using maven. It usually has the following structure:

 |- main
      |- java
      |- resources
      |- webapp
 |- test
      |- java
      |- resources

In the test phase, by default the environment only has access to the resources in src/main/java, src/main/resources, src/test/java and src/test/resources through the classpath. So one thing you need is make the webapp folder accesible as test resources through the classpath with something like this.


    <!-- ... -->