5.1 - Blacklist Filter

This filter blocks connnections from blacklisted remote addresses. Onee can block Addresses or Subnets. In any case, when an event happens on a blocked session, the session will simply be closed. Here are the events this filter handles :

  • event (MINA 2.1)
  • messageReceived
  • messageSent
  • sessionCreated
  • sessionIdle
  • sessionOpened

There is no need to handle any other event.

Blocking an address

Any address or subnet can be blocked live, ie it does not matter if a session is already active or not, this dynamicaly activated. It's enough to add the filter in the chain, and to set (or unset) the addresses to block:

BlacklistFilter blackList = new BlacklistFilter();
acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast("blacklist", new BlacklistFilter());

Here, the "" address will be blocked.

Unblocking an address

It's possible to unblock an address, it's just a matter of fetching the filter and remove a previously blocked addres:

BlacklistFilter blackList = (BlacklistFilter)session.getFilterChain().get(BlacklistFilter.class);

Here, the "" address will be unblocked.


Currently, the implementation is not really optimal... We use a List to store the blocked addresses/subnet, so the more of them you have in the list the longer it will take to process any event.