4.1 - Session Configuration

Depending on the Session's type, we can configure various elements. Some of those elements are shared across all the session's type, some other are specific.

We currently support 4 session flavors :

  • Socket : support for the TCP transport
  • Datagram : support for the UDP transport
  • Serial : support for the RS232 transport
  • VmPipe : support for the IPC transport

General parameters

Here is the list of all the global parameters (they can be set fo any of the Session flavors) :

Parameter type Description Default value
idleTimeForBoth int The number of seconds to wait before notify a session that is idle on reads and writes Infinite
idleTimeForRead int The number of seconds to wait before notify a session that is idle on reads Infinite
idleTimeForWrite int The number of seconds to wait before notify a session that is idle on writes Infinite
maxReadBufferSize int The maximum size of the buffer used to read incomming data 65536 bytes
minReadBufferSize int The minimal size of the buffer used to read incomming data 64 bytes
readBufferSize int The default size of the buffer used to read incomming data 2048 bytes
throughputCalculationInterval int The interval (seconds) between each throughput calculation. 3s
useReadOperation boolean A flag set to TRUE when we allow an application to do a __session.read()_ FALSE
writeTimeout int Delay to wait for completion before bailing out a write operation 60s

All those parameters can be accessed through the use of getters and setters (the useReadOperation parameter getter is using the isUseReadOperation() method).

Socket specific parameters

Parameter type Description Default value
defaultReuseAddress boolean The value for the SO_REUSEADDR flag true
keepAlive boolean The value for the SO_KEEPALIVE flag false
oobInline boolean The value for the SO_OOBINLINE flag false
receiveBufferSize int The value for the SO_RCVBUF parameter -1
reuseAddress boolean The value for the SO_REUSEADDR flag false
sendBufferSize int The value for the SO_SNDBUF parameter -1
soLinger int The value for the SO_LINGER parameter -1
tcpNoDelay boolean The value for the TCP_NODELAY flag false
trafficClass int The value for the IP_TOS parameter. One of IPTOS_LOWCOST(0x02), IPTOS_RELIABILITY(0x04), IPTOS_THROUGHPUT (0x08) or IPTOS_LOWDELAY (0x10) 0

Datagram specific parameters

Parameter type Description Default value
broadcast boolean The value for the SO_BROADCAST flag false
closeOnPortUnreachable boolean Tells if we should close the session if the port is unreachable true
receiveBufferSize int The value for the SO_RCVBUF parameter -1
reuseAddress boolean The value for the SO_REUSEADDR flag false
sendBufferSize int The value for the SO_SNDBUF parameter -1
trafficClass int The value for the IP_TOS parameter. One of IPTOS_LOWCOST(0x02), IPTOS_RELIABILITY(0x04), IPTOS_THROUGHPUT (0x08) or IPTOS_LOWDELAY (0x10) 0

Serial specific parameters

Parameter type Description Default value
inputBufferSize int The input buffer size to use 8
lowLatency boolean Set the Low Latency mode false
outputBufferSize int The ouput buffer size to use 8
receiveThreshold int Set the receive threshold in byte (set it to -1 for disable) -1