Maven 3.0.3

The Apache Maven team would like to announce the release of Maven 3.0.3.

Maven 3.0.3 is available for download.

Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central place.

Maven 3 aims to ensure backward compatibility with Maven 2, improve usability, increase performance, allow safe embedding, and pave the way to implement many highly demanded features.

The core release is independent of the plugins available. Further releases of plugins will be made separately. See the Plugin List for more information.

We hope you enjoy using Maven! If you have any questions, please consult:

Maven 3.0.3 Release Notes

Maven 3.0.3 is a maintenance release to address various regressions/bugs and to deliver other minor improvements. The new version 3.0.3 is a recommended update for anybody currently using Maven 3.0.x.

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system, and is reproduced below.

Known Incompatibilities with Maven 2

Please refer to the following compatibility notes before reporting any issues regarding changed build behavior in Maven 3.x.

Release Notes - Maven - Version 3.0.3 (since 3.0.2 only)


  • [MNG-4551] - List parameter in a mojo has strange behaviour
  • [MNG-4956] - Cygwin mvn script modifies CLASSPATH environment variable
  • [MNG-4962] - MavenProject.getParent fails to build when parent POM, in reactor, references BOM also in reactor
  • [MNG-4963] - [regression] Parent POM not downloaded when settings define global mirror and one snapshot repo but no other release repository
  • [MNG-4973] - [regression] Build extensions are invisible to plugins in multi module build
  • [MNG-4975] - [regression] plugin executions injected from profile run before instead of after existing executions in the POM
  • [MNG-4982] - [regression] Cycle between transitive dependencies causes bad effective dependency scope
  • [MNG-4987] - [regression] LATEST, RELEASE or SNAPSHOT version picked from wrong repository when resolution order does not match timestamp order
  • [MNG-4990] - RepositorySystem#resolve(request) uses two different local repositories
  • [MNG-4991] - LegacyRepositorySystem#injectProxy(repositories, proxies) doesn't evaluate non-proxy hosts
  • [MNG-5000] - [regression] child not correct in a flat directory layout when child's artifactId doesn't match its module name
  • [MNG-5003] - MavenPluginManager serves m2e partially initialized mojo descriptors in some cases
  • [MNG-5005] - bin/mvn contains platform specific echo when on Mac OSX and JAVA_VERSION envvar is set
  • [MNG-5006] - [regression] Resolution of parent POMs for dependency using version range does not consider all configured repositories
  • [MNG-5009] - StackOverflowError in when module points at current aggregator POM
  • [MNG-5014] - [regression] MavenProject.getParent().isExecutionRoot() not properly set
  • [MNG-5019] - [regression] String-based component lookups performed by report mojos fail with ClassCastException
  • [MNG-5023] - Wrong calculation of Build Total time


  • [MNG-3575] - Allow hexadecimal parameters
  • [MNG-4971] - Display maven home in version info
  • [MNG-4984] - Simplify drop in of 3rd party extensions for Maven core
  • [MNG-4988] - API to calculate execution plan without full mojo execution configuration
  • [MNG-4992] - Allow to configure plugin parameters of type java.util.Properties just like a map
  • [MNG-5011] - Allow to configure array/collection type plugin parameters via system properties
  • [MNG-5012] - Allow to configure array-typed plugin parameters from expressions yielding collections and vice versa
  • [MNG-5013] - Allow to condense configuration of plugin parameter beans that commonly require only one value
  • [MNG-5020] - JAVA_HOME auto discovery
  • [MNG-5028] - Obey generics in plugin collection parameters when populating them
  • [MNG-5033] - Allow to inline collection/array items within plugin configuration


  • [MNG-5024] - Update default plugin versions