Maven 2.0.7

2.0.7 Release Notes

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system, and is reproduced below.


  • [MNG-2247] - Release-Dates of maven releases not documented on website?
  • [MNG-2267] - Introduction to Repositories contains incorrect information
  • [MNG-2289] - Newer SNAPSHOT parents in the remote repository are ignored
  • [MNG-2432] - Apache and Mojo plugins take precendence over plugins in the pom.
  • [MNG-2689] - typeejb-client/type dependency not working properly as reactor build
  • [MNG-2696] - maven-cli assembly exceptions when using maven to build
  • [MNG-2784] - Multiple executions of the same plugin at the same life cycle phase in a multi-module profile mixed up
  • [MNG-2831] - Cannot add custom artifact handler and custom lifecycle as a build extension
  • [MNG-2860] - Empty module/module entry causes OutOfMemoryError
  • [MNG-2880] - error message for artifacts with classifiers doesn't instruct user to install with classier
  • [MNG-2905] - JIRA URL is wrong on the site
  • [MNG-2919] - Scope defined in dependencyManagement section of parent pom overwrites scope of current artifact
  • [MNG-2921] - ejb-client dependency no longer working
  • [MNG-2923] - Having any active profiles causes the build to fail
  • [MNG-2926] - group search order for plugins is inverted
  • [MNG-2934] - Cannot Deploy Using Webdav due to DependencyManagement
  • [MNG-2939] - ${basedir} isn't well interpolated in properties files
  • [MNG-2942] - Typo in Maven introduction
  • [MNG-2981] - [PATCH] NPE in PluginXDocGenerator while creating plugin site
  • [MNG-2988] - Ranges with inclusive upper bounds are not validated against metadata
  • [MNG-2998] - maven-plugin-testing-harness: all collections in MavenProjectStub should return empty collections
  • [MNG-3039] - mvn.bat fails
  • [MNG-3055] - [regression] loader constraint problems with XmlSerializer if attaching site descriptorImprovement


  • [MNG-980] - Provide control over precedence of org.apache.maven.plugins group in search path
  • [MNG-2376] - Have Java code output Java version, not the shell script
  • [MNG-2582] - -X (debug) does not display JVM version
  • [MNG-2885] - improve os activation documentation
  • [MNG-2904] - Misleading error message if profiles that are active by default do not have an ID
  • [MNG-2965] - Update svn:ignores for developing with eclipse
  • [MNG-3024] - Missing artifact error text improvementNew Feature

New Feature

  • [MNG-2169] - Want to contribute: Contributing Maven 2 refcard