Central Index

Central repository provides an index that is updated weekly as full (nexus-maven-repository-index.gz) and incremental (nexus-maven-repository-index.<n>.gz + nexus-maven-repository-index.properties).

This index is build using Maven Indexer: see LATEST indexer-core documentation for more details on the fields that are available.

You can use Maven Indexer API (see examples) to use this index with a dedicated API, or use Apache Lucene indexes browsers like Luke or Marple after unpacking the index (see -u CLI option).

Digging Into Central Index with Luke

  • download the Central index: nexus-maven-repository-index.gz
  • download Maven Indexer CLI and unpack the index to raw Lucene index directory:
    java -jar indexer-cli-5.1.1.jar --unpack nexus-maven-repository-index.gz --destination central-lucene-index --type full
  • download and extract Luke binary tarball and launch it on the Central index with Lucene format:
    luke.sh -ro -index central-lucene-index

    You need an old Luke version using an old Lucene version, since Maven Indexer 5.5.1 uses Lucene 3.6.2: for this tutorial, we chose Luke version 4.10.4, but you may choose another version.