From the minutes of the Apache board meeting on April 27th, 2005:

Jackrabbit is doing well as a project and is attracting interest both within other Apache projects (Lenya and Graffito in particular) as well as from new folks in the Java community. We added two new committers, Jukka Zitting and Dominique Pfister, and have received sustained contributions from Serge Huber, Edgar Poce, Angela Schreiber, Felix Meschberger, and others.

Jackrabbit's only problem right now is continued reliance on JCP EG private discussions due to the unfinished nature of the JSR 170 Content Repository for Java Technology API. JSR 170 is expected to be submitted for final draft status in early May, after which all of the discussion can be moved to Apache lists. We anticipate graduating from Incubator sometime soon after that.