Jackrabbit Status March 2012

The Apache Jackrabbit™ content repository is a fully conforming implementation of the Content Repository for Java™ Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170 and 283).

The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level issues at this time.


The biggest news this quarter was the first stable Jackrabbit 2.4 release, about a year after Jackrabbit 2.2 was branched.

  • Apache Jackrabbit 2.4.0 on February 9th

In the run-up to 2.4, we cut the following unstable 2.3.x releases:

  • Apache Jackrabbit 2.3.7 on January 24th
  • Apache Jackrabbit 2.3.6 on January 2nd
  • Apache Jackrabbit 2.3.5 on December 16th

We made one patch release from the earlier 2.2 maintenance branch:

  • Apache Jackrabbit 2.2.11 on February 11th

We also completed the end-of-life period of the last Jackrabbit 1.x maintenance branch, making the stable 2.x branches the only actively maintained versions of Jackrabbit.

Community / Development

No new committers or PMC members were added in this quarter.

The work towards Jackrabbit 3 entered a major new phase as we decided to promote the effort from prototypes in the Jackrabbit sandbox to a new Jackrabbit subproject codenamed "Oak". This is a major rewrite of Jackrabbit, which is why we wanted to clearly separate the effort from work on the main Jackrabbit codebase. It is yet undecided whether the Oak codebase will eventually replace Jackrabbit trunk to become Jackrabbit 3.0 or if we want to rebrand the effort and branch it off to a separate TLP, possibly through the Incubator. Meanwhile we plan to start publishing early access versions of the Oak codebase as a series of monthly "Apache Jackrabbit Oak 0.x" releases (as the codename "Oak" is not unique enough for use as a standalone "Apache Oak" brand).

Jukka Zitting wishes to resign as chairman of the Jackrabbit PMC due to his new role at the Incubator, so we have started the process of electing a new chairman.


We are still in progress of migrating from Confluence to the new CMS.