Jackrabbit Status March 2006

From the minutes of the Apache board meeting on March 15th, 2006:

Jackrabbit accomplished its first official incubating release with version 0.9 of the Apache Jackrabbit reference implementation and JCR-RMI tools. Day Software has confirmed that the version 0.9 jars have passed the JCR 1.0 TCK with the current exclude list.

We are now getting reorganized for graduation from the Incubator to our own top-level project at the Apache Software Foundation. The Jackrabbit committers voted on March 11, 2006, to request graduation. In addition, we made a call to refresh the list of active committers for an accurate presentation to the board; Stefano Mazzocchi, Gianugo Rabellino, Tim Reilly, and Andrew Savory have requested emeritus status, meaning that they won't be listed on the initial project management committee but are welcome to come back if they choose to rejoin the project at a later time.