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Deprecated, use instead @DomainObjectLayout#bookmarking() and @ActionLayout#bookmarking()

The @Bookmarkable annotation indicates that an entity or an action (with safe action semantics) is automatically bookmarked.

(In the Wicket viewer), a link to a bookmarked object is shown in the bookmarks panel that slides out from the left:

For example:

public class ToDoItem ... {

indicates that the ToDoItem class is bookmarkable, while:

public class ToDoItems {

    @MemberOrder(sequence = "1")
    public List<ToDoItem> notYetComplete() {


indicates that the "not yet complete" action is bookmarkable.

It is also possible to nest bookmarkable entities. For example, this screenshot is taken from Estatio:

For example, the Property entity "[OXF] Oxford Super Mall" is a root bookmark (the default), but the Unit child entity "[OXF-001] Unit 1" only appears as a bookmark if its parent Property has already been visited. This is accomplished with the following annotations:

public class Property { ... }


public abstract class Unit { ... }

The nesting can be done to any level; the Estatio screenshot also shows a bookmark nesting 3 deep: Lease -> LeaseItem -> LeaseTerm.