Apache Flume Apache Software Foundation


A successful project requires many people to play many different roles. Some members write code or documentation, while others are valuable as testers, submitting patches and suggestions.

The team is comprised of Members, Committers and Contributors. Members are responsible for making project management decisions, voting on releases as well as acting as Committers. Committers have direct access to the source code and actively evolve the codebase. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. Get involved today. All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.

The following individuals are recognized as PMC Members or Project Committers.

Name Email Id Organization Role
Aaron Kimball kimballa@apache.org kimballa Zymergen PMC Member
Ashish Paliwal apaliwal@apache.org apaliwal Apple Committer
Andrew Bayer abayer@apache.org abayer CloudBees PMC Member
Ahmed Radwan ahmed@apache.org ahmed Apple PMC Member
Arvind Prabhakar arvind@apache.org arvind StreamSets PMC Member
Balázs Donát Bessenyei bessbd@apache.org bessbd Ericsson PMC Member
Brock Noland brock@apache.org brock phData PMC Member
Bruce Mitchener brucem@apache.org brucem Data Fueled PMC Member
Derek Deeter ddeeter@apache.org ddeeter Vanderbilt University PMC Member
Denes Arvay denes@apache.org denes Cloudera PMC Member
Eric Sammer esammer@apache.org esammer Splunk PMC Member
Hari Shreedharan hshreedharan@apache.org hshreedharan StreamSets PMC Member
Henry Robinson henry@apache.org henry Cloudera PMC Member
Jaroslav Cecho jarcec@apache.org jarcec StreamSets PMC Member
Johny Rufus johnyrufus@apache.org johnyrufus Microsoft Committer
Jonathan Hsieh jmhsieh@apache.org jmhsieh Cloudera PMC Member
Juhani Connolly juhanic@apache.org juhanic CyberAgent PMC Member
Mike Percy mpercy@apache.org mpercy Cloudera PMC Member
Mingjie Lai mlai@apache.org mlai Apple PMC Member
Mubarak Seyed mubarak@apache.org mubarak Apple Committer
Nick Verbeck nerdynick@apache.org nerdynick   PMC Member
Patrick Hunt phunt@apache.org phunt Cloudera PMC Member
Patrick Wendell pwendell@apache.org pwendell Databricks Committer
Prasad Mujumdar prasadm@apache.org prasadm BlueTalon PMC Member
Ralph Goers rgoers@apache.org rgoers Nextiva PMC Member
Roshan Naik roshannaik@apache.org roshannaik Hortonworks PMC Member
Attila Simon sati@apache.org sati RapidMiner Committer
Ferenc Szabo szaboferee@apache.org szaboferee Cloudera Committer
Wolfgang Hoschek whoschek@apache.org whoschek Cloudera Committer
Will McQueen will@apache.org will   PMC Member