=============== Version 1.9.0 =============== .. rubric:: Status of this release Apache Flume 1.9.0 is the eleventh release of Flume as an Apache top-level project (TLP). Apache Flume 1.9.0 is production-ready software. .. rubric:: Release Documentation * `Flume 1.9.0 User Guide `__ (also in `pdf `__) * `Flume 1.9.0 Developer Guide `__ (also in `pdf `__) * `Flume 1.9.0 API Documentation `__ .. rubric:: Changes Release Notes - Flume - Version v1.9.0 ** New Feature * [`FLUME-2071 `__] - Flume Context doesn't support float or double configuration values. * [`FLUME-2442 `__] - Need an alternative to providing clear text passwords in flume config * [`FLUME-3142 `__] - Adding HBase2 sink ** Improvement * [`FLUME-2653 `__] - Allow inUseSuffix to be null/empty * [`FLUME-2854 `__] - Parameterize jetty version in pom * [`FLUME-2977 `__] - Upgrade RAT to 0.12 * [`FLUME-3050 `__] - add counters for error conditions and expose to monitor URL * [`FLUME-3182 `__] - Please add support for SSL/TLS for syslog (tcp) & multi_port syslog (tcp) sources * [`FLUME-3186 `__] - Make asyncHbaseClient configuration parameters available from flume config * [`FLUME-3223 `__] - Flume HDFS Sink should retry close prior to performing a recoverLease * [`FLUME-3227 `__] - Add Rate Limiter to StressSource * [`FLUME-3239 `__] - Do not rename files in SpoolDirectorySource * [`FLUME-3246 `__] - Validate flume configuration to prevent larger source batch size than the channel transaction capacity * [`FLUME-3269 `__] - Support JSSE keystore/trustore -D system properties * [`FLUME-3275 `__] - Components supporting SSL/TLS should be able to specify protocol list * [`FLUME-3276 `__] - Components supporting SSL/TLS should be able to specify cipher suite list * [`FLUME-3280 `__] - Improve maven build to help code reviews by adding static code analyzer to it * [`FLUME-3281 `__] - Update to Kafka 2.0 client * [`FLUME-3282 `__] - Use slf4j in every component ** Bug * [`FLUME-1282 `__] - Flume 1.x build fails on Maven 2 * [`FLUME-2232 `__] - Add findbugs to Flume build * [`FLUME-2436 `__] - Make hadoop-2 the default build profile * [`FLUME-2464 `__] - Remove hadoop-2 profile * [`FLUME-2786 `__] - It will enter a deadlock state when modify the conf file before I stop flume-ng * [`FLUME-2894 `__] - Flume components should stop in the correct order (graceful shutdown) * [`FLUME-2973 `__] - Deadlock in hdfs sink * [`FLUME-2976 `__] - Exception when JMS source tries to connect to a Weblogic server without authentication * [`FLUME-2988 `__] - Kafka Sink metrics missing eventDrainAttemptCount * [`FLUME-2989 `__] - Kafka Channel metrics missing eventTakeAttemptCount and eventPutAttemptCount * [`FLUME-3056 `__] - TestApplication hangs indefinitely * [`FLUME-3101 `__] - taildir source may endless loop when tail a file * [`FLUME-3106 `__] - When batchSize of sink greater than transactionCapacity of Memory Channel, Flume can produce endless data * [`FLUME-3107 `__] - When batchSize of sink greater than transactionCapacity of File Channel, Flume can produce endless data * [`FLUME-3114 `__] - Upgrade commons-httpclient library dependency * [`FLUME-3117 `__] - Application can be dead loop when call System.exit() in methodconfigure * [`FLUME-3133 `__] - Add a ipHeader config in Syslog Sources * [`FLUME-3201 `__] - Fix SyslogUtil to handle RFC3164 format in december correctly * [`FLUME-3218 `__] - Fix external process config filter test * [`FLUME-3222 `__] - java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException thrown when files are being deleted from the TAILDIR source * [`FLUME-3237 `__] - Handling RuntimeExceptions coming from the JMS provider in JMSSource * [`FLUME-3253 `__] - JP Morgan Chase scan shows vulnerabilities for Splunk App using Apache Flume 1.8 * [`FLUME-3265 `__] - Cannot set batch-size for LoadBalancingRpcClient * [`FLUME-3270 `__] - Close JMS resources in JMSMessageConsumer constructor in case of failure * [`FLUME-3278 `__] - Handling -D keystore parameters in Kafka components * [`FLUME-3294 `__] - Fix polling logic in TaildirSource * [`FLUME-3298 `__] - Make hadoop-common optional in flume-ng-hadoop-credential-store-config-filter * [`FLUME-3299 `__] - Fix log4j scopes in pom files ** Sub-task * [`FLUME-3158 `__] - Upgrade surefire version and config * [`FLUME-3243 `__] - Increase the default of hdfs.callTimeout and document it's deprecation * [`FLUME-3303 `__] - Mention future configuration change in the release notes ** Test * [`FLUME-3195 `__] - Split up the TestKafkaChannel class ** Wish * [`FLUME-3087 `__] - Change log level from WARN to INFO when using default "maxIOWorkers" value. ** Task * [`FLUME-3183 `__] - Maven: generate SHA-512 checksum during deploy ** Dependency upgrade * [`FLUME-2698 `__] - Upgrade Jetty Version * [`FLUME-3115 `__] - Upgrade netty library dependency * [`FLUME-3194 `__] - upgrade derby to the latest ( version ** Documentation * [`FLUME-1342 `__] - Document JMX monitoring API * [`FLUME-2723 `__] - Document the requirement that Channel's transactionCapacity >= batchSize of the source/sink * [`FLUME-3051 `__] - Mention the incompatibility of Kafka source with 0.8.x Kafka brokers * [`FLUME-3228 `__] - Incorrect parameter name in timestamp interceptor docs