=============== Version 1.8.0 =============== .. rubric:: Status of this release Apache Flume 1.8.0 is the eleventh release of Flume as an Apache top-level project (TLP). Apache Flume 1.8.0 is production-ready software. .. rubric:: Release Documentation * `Flume 1.8.0 User Guide `__ (also in `pdf `__) * `Flume 1.8.0 Developer Guide `__ (also in `pdf `__) * `Flume 1.8.0 API Documentation `__ .. rubric:: Changes Release Notes - Flume - Version v1.8.0 ** New Feature * [`FLUME-2171 `__] - Add Interceptor to remove headers from event * [`FLUME-2917 `__] - Provide netcat UDP source as alternative to TCP * [`FLUME-2993 `__] - Support environment variables in configuration files ** Improvement * [`FLUME-1520 `__] - Timestamp interceptor should support custom headers * [`FLUME-2945 `__] - Bump java target version to 1.8 * [`FLUME-3020 `__] - Improve HDFSEventSink Escape Ingestion by more then 10x by not getting InetAddress on every record * [`FLUME-3025 `__] - Expose FileChannel.open on JMX * [`FLUME-3072 `__] - Add IP address to headers in flume log4j appender * [`FLUME-3092 `__] - Extend the FileChannel's monitoring metrics * [`FLUME-3100 `__] - Support arbitrary header substitution for topic of Kafka * [`FLUME-3144 `__] - Improve Log4jAppender's performance by allowing logging collection of messages ** Bug * [`FLUME-2620 `__] - File channel throws NullPointerException if a header value is null * [`FLUME-2752 `__] - Flume AvroSource will leak the memory and the OOM will be happened. * [`FLUME-2812 `__] - Exception in thread "SinkRunner-PollingRunner-DefaultSinkProcessor" java.lang.Error: Maximum permit count exceeded * [`FLUME-2857 `__] - Kafka Source/Channel/Sink does not restore default values when live update config * [`FLUME-2905 `__] - NetcatSource - Socket not closed when an exception is encountered during start() leading to file descriptor leaks * [`FLUME-2991 `__] - ExecSource command execution starts before starting the sourceCounter * [`FLUME-3027 `__] - Kafka Channel should clear offsets map after commit * [`FLUME-3031 `__] - sequence source should reset its counter for event body on channel exception * [`FLUME-3043 `__] - KafkaSink SinkCallback throws NullPointerException when Log4J level is debug * [`FLUME-3046 `__] - Kafka Sink and Source Configuration Improvements * [`FLUME-3049 `__] - Wrapping the exception into SecurityException in UGIExecutor.execute hides the original one * [`FLUME-3057 `__] - Build fails due to unsupported snappy-java version on ppc64le * [`FLUME-3080 `__] - Close failure in HDFS Sink might cause data loss * [`FLUME-3083 `__] - Taildir source can miss events if file updated in same second as file close * [`FLUME-3085 `__] - HDFS Sink can skip flushing some BucketWriters, might lead to data loss * [`FLUME-3112 `__] - Upgrade jackson-core library dependency * [`FLUME-3127 `__] - Upgrade libfb303 library dependency * [`FLUME-3131 `__] - Upgrade spring framework library dependencies * [`FLUME-3132 `__] - Upgrade tomcat jasper library dependencies * [`FLUME-3135 `__] - property logger in org.apache.flume.interceptor.RegexFilteringInterceptor confused * [`FLUME-3141 `__] - Small typo found in RegexHbaseEventSerializer.java * [`FLUME-3152 `__] - Add Flume Metric for Backup Checkpoint Errors * [`FLUME-3155 `__] - Use batch mode in mvn to fix Travis CI error * [`FLUME-3157 `__] - Refactor TestHDFSEventSinkOnMiniCluster to not use LeaseManager private API * [`FLUME-3173 `__] - Upgrade joda-time * [`FLUME-3174 `__] - HdfsSink AWS S3A authentication does not work on JDK 8 * [`FLUME-3175 `__] - Javadoc generation fails due to Java8's strict doclint ** Documentation * [`FLUME-2175 `__] - Update Developer Guide with notes on how to upgrade Protocol Buffer version * [`FLUME-2817 `__] - Sink for multi-agent flow example in user guide is set up incorrectly ** Wish * [`FLUME-2579 `__] - JMS source support durable subscriptions and message listening ** Question * [`FLUME-2427 `__] - java.lang.NoSuchMethodException and warning on HDFS (S3) sink ** Task * [`FLUME-3093 `__] - Groundwork for version changes in root pom * [`FLUME-3154 `__] - Add HBase client version check to AsyncHBaseSink and HBaseSink ** Test * [`FLUME-2997 `__] - Fix flaky junit test in SpillableMemoryChannel * [`FLUME-3002 `__] - Some tests in TestBucketWriter are flaky