=============== Version 1.5.2 =============== .. rubric:: Status of this release Apache Flume 1.5.2 is the eighth release of Flume as an Apache top-level project (TLP). Apache Flume 1.5.2 is production-ready software. Apache Flume 1.5.2 is a maintenance and security release that disables SSLv3 for all security-enabled Flume sources and sinks. .. rubric:: Release Documentation * `Flume 1.5.2 User Guide `__ (also in `pdf `__) * `Flume 1.5.2 Developer Guide `__ (also in `pdf `__) * `Flume 1.5.2 API Documentation `__ .. rubric:: Changes Release Notes - Flume - Version v1.5.2 * [`FLUME-2547 `__] - Removing SSLv2Hello causes Java 6 clients to break * [`FLUME-2548 `__] - Enable SSLv2Hello for Avro Source and NettyAvroRpcClient * [`FLUME-2549 `__] - Enable SSLv2Hello for HttpSource * [`FLUME-2551 `__] - Add dev-support to src tarball * [`FLUME-2441 `__] - Unit test TestHTTPSource.java failed with IBM JDK 1.7 * [`FLUME-2520 `__] - HTTP Source should be able to block a prefixed set of protocols. * [`FLUME-2533 `__] - HTTPS tests fail on Java 6 * [`FLUME-2511 `__] - Allow configuration of enabled protocols in Avro source and Rpc client