============= Version 1.3.0 ============= .. rubric:: Status of this release This release is the second release of Apache Flume as an Apache top level project and is the second release that is considered ready for production use. This release has has substantially more features and functionality along with bug fixes and other enhancements. .. rubric:: Release Documentation * `Flume User Guide `_ * `Flume Developer Guide `_ * `API Documentation `_ .. rubric:: Changes ** New Feature * [FLUME-1199] - Add HTTP Post Source * [FLUME-1371] - ElasticSearch Sink * [FLUME-1382] - Flume adopt message from existing local Scribe * [FLUME-1385] - Add a multiport syslog source * [FLUME-1424] - File Channel should support encryption * [FLUME-1425] - Create a SpoolDirectory Source and Client * [FLUME-1488] - Load Balancing RPC client should support exponential backoff of failed nodes * [FLUME-1537] - Dump RollingFileSink's counter status when agent stops * [FLUME-1657] - Regex Extractor Interceptor ** Improvement * [FLUME-946] - Allow multiplexing channel selector to specify optional channels. * [FLUME-1337] - Add IDEA files to .gitignore * [FLUME-1358] - Add a regex-based filtering interceptor * [FLUME-1383] - Improve various log messages in FileChannel and HDFSSink * [FLUME-1408] - ScheduledExecutorService does not log uncaught Throwables, we should log them * [FLUME-1418] - Improvement for Log4j configuration * [FLUME-1419] - Using system time if 'timestamp' property is absent in event header * [FLUME-1434] - Distinguish background worker with channel name * [FLUME-1480] - Replace object descriptor with detailed component type plus name * [FLUME-1487] - FileChannel format needs to be extensible * [FLUME-1490] - Option to limit number of events sent in Stress source * [FLUME-1496] - TestFileChannel is bloated * [FLUME-1507] - Have "Topology Design Considerations" in User Guide * [FLUME-1509] - Flume HDFS sink should allow for the use of different timezones when resolving sink paths * [FLUME-1519] - LifecycleController prints tons of DEBUG messages * [FLUME-1523] - Allow -X java opts to be passed to the agent on the command line * [FLUME-1526] - LogFile log message is scary when no harm has been done * [FLUME-1531] - Flume User Guide should provide more details on configuring the timestamp interceptor * [FLUME-1535] - Ability to specify the capacity of MemoryChannel in bytes * [FLUME-1536] - Support for batch size in StressSource * [FLUME-1538] - Channels should expose channel fill ratio through JMX * [FLUME-1543] - TestFileChannel should be factored into many tests * [FLUME-1546] - File channel encryption: trim() passwords and warn user if he doesn't have JCE policy file * [FLUME-1548] - Build dies due to older protocol buffers compiler * [FLUME-1550] - Use maven-antrun-plugin to save version * [FLUME-1554] - FileChannel fails to build on machines with old protocol buffer compiler * [FLUME-1556] - It would be nice if NullSink logged the number of event processed every 10K or so * [FLUME-1560] - TestFileChannel* tests which fill up the channel should use larger batch size than 1 * [FLUME-1563] - FileChannel Encryption KeyProvider configuration properties should be more consistent * [FLUME-1564] - FileChannel log file creation could be clarified and tested * [FLUME-1569] - MemoryChannel uses an Integer as a lock * [FLUME-1575] - FIleChannel Encryption should disallow a null key * [FLUME-1603] - FileChannel capacity reached message is unclear * [FLUME-1607] - FileChannel We should use a regex as opposed to simple filename filter when finding logs * [FLUME-1609] - FileChannel detecting when the underlying file systems are full could provide cleaner error recovery * [FLUME-1631] - Retire hdfs.txnEventMax in HDFS sink * [FLUME-1645] - add hdfs.fileSuffix property to HDFSEventSink * [FLUME-1660] - Close "idle" hdfs handles * [FLUME-1675] - Ignore netbeans config files in rat & git * [FLUME-1681] - Disable empty-file unit test for Spooling File Reader * [FLUME-1684] - Re-enable empty file unit test * [FLUME-1689] - BodyTextSerializer should allow an option not to add a newline to each serialized event * [FLUME-1692] - MultiportSyslogTCPSource user documentation and nickname * [FLUME-1707] - Update FlumeDevGuide * [FLUME-1706] - Website for 1.3 fails to build * [FLUME-1698] - Update RELEASE-NOTES * [FLUME-1711] - Update Flume User Guide * [FLUME-1713] - Netcat source should allow for *not* returning "OK" upon receipt of each message. * [FLUME-1740] - Remove contrib/ directory from Flume NG * [FLUME-1750] - File spooling client uses -D as command line option * [FLUME-1751] - User Guide Examples for File Channel encryption are broken in 1.3 rc5 * [FLUME-1749] - .gitignore and elipse related files should not be included in source tarball * [FLUME-1752] - Update CHANGELOG for flume 1.3.0 rc6 to include latest changes ** Bug * [FLUME-1208] - Hbase sink should be built only in Hadoop-1.0 profile * [FLUME-1256] - OutofMemory erros in Flume build * [FLUME-1259] - Flume throws OutOfMemory error when sending data from netcat to avro source (negative test case) * [FLUME-1276] - Create a static header interceptor * [FLUME-1277] - Error parsing Syslog rfc 3164 messages with null values * [FLUME-1310] - Make Asynch hbase sink test work with other versions of Hbase * [FLUME-1354] - Update docs to show that recoverable memory channel is deprecated * [FLUME-1362] - Port retrying in TestThriftLegacySource not working * [FLUME-1363] - flume-ng-node - TestNetcatSource doesn't try multiple ports * [FLUME-1364] - Document the necessity of the timestamp header when using time-related escapes for hdfs sink paths * [FLUME-1373] - Remove hardcoded file separator in HDFSEventSink * [FLUME-1374] - Support ganglia reporting * [FLUME-1376] - StaticInterceptor doc update * [FLUME-1377] - ChannelProcessor clobbers exception with NPE if Channel.getTransaction() throws * [FLUME-1389] - Flume gives opaque error if interceptor type not specified * [FLUME-1391] - Use sync() instead of syncFs() in HDFS Sink to be compatible with hadoop 0.20.2 * [FLUME-1392] - Inactive channels get added to source channels list causing NPE * [FLUME-1398] - Improve concurrency for async hbase sink * [FLUME-1412] - Commons collections is used in file channel - even though it is not in pom.xml * [FLUME-1414] - VersionInfo should not create a log instance * [FLUME-1416] - Version Info should have hardcoded git repo address * [FLUME-1417] - File Channel checkpoint can be bad leading to the channel being unable to start. * [FLUME-1420] - Exception should be thrown if we cannot instaniate an EventSerializer * [FLUME-1421] - PollableSourceRunner does not name it's thread * [FLUME-1422] - Fix "BarSource" Class Signature in Flume Developer Guide * [FLUME-1426] - FileChannel Replay could be faster * [FLUME-1428] - File Channel should not consider a file as inactive until all takes are committed. * [FLUME-1432] - FileChannel should replay logs in the order they were written * [FLUME-1437] - Checkpoint can miss pending takes. * [FLUME-1470] - Syslog source does not parse facility correctly * [FLUME-1479] - Multiple Sinks can connect to single Channel * [FLUME-1482] - Flume should support exposing metrics via HTTP in JSON/some other web service format. * [FLUME-1498] - File channel - Log updates and queue updates should be atomic * [FLUME-1500] - Upgrade flume to use latest version of Avro - v1.7 * [FLUME-1504] - Test file channel times out randomly * [FLUME-1506] - Child poms pull in specific versions of packages not in top level pom * [FLUME-1512] - File Channel should not stop during a checkpoint. * [FLUME-1513] - File Channel log close() method should not be synchronized * [FLUME-1514] - Log4jAppender should also have flume-ng-configuration in the pom * [FLUME-1515] - Fix flume-1.3.0 branch test failures on ASF Jenkins. * [FLUME-1524] - TestMonitoredCounterGroup is flaky * [FLUME-1525] - On some (slow) machines TestFileChannel can fail * [FLUME-1534] - CheckpointRebuilder$ComparableFlumeEventPointer#equals does not work correctly. * [FLUME-1540] - CheckpointBuilder needs to open logfiles in inactive mode * [FLUME-1541] - Implement a SinkSelector for LoadBalancingSinkProcessor that includes failover mechanics * [FLUME-1544] - Update dev guide to reflect the protoc requirement * [FLUME-1545] - File channel missing implicit dependency on commons-lang * [FLUME-1552] - TestFileChannelEncryption fails without a high encryption policy file * [FLUME-1553] - TestFileChannelEncryption should be refactored to use TestFileChannelBase * [FLUME-1555] - StressSource outputs bad log messages that reference (Sequence generator) * [FLUME-1557] - It would be nice if SequenceGeneratorSource could do batching * [FLUME-1562] - TestLoadBalancingSinkProcessor.testRoundRobinBackoffFailureRecovery is flaky, fails every once in a while... * [FLUME-1565] - FileChannel Decryption in RandomReader is not thread safe * [FLUME-1567] - Avro source should expose the number of active connections through JMX * [FLUME-1570] - StressSource batching does not work unless maxTotalEvents is specified * [FLUME-1572] - Add batching to FILE_ROLL sink * [FLUME-1576] - CHECKPOINT_INCOMPLETE should be synced to disk before starting the checkpoint. * [FLUME-1577] - CHECKPOINT_INCOMPLETE should be synced to disk before starting the checkpoint. * [FLUME-1578] - Proposal to modify file channel encryption config * [FLUME-1582] - flume-ng script should set LD_LIBRARY_PATH * [FLUME-1583] - FileChannel fast full replay will always be used if enabled * [FLUME-1595] - HDFS SequenceFile implementation is not durable due to not using syncFs() * [FLUME-1606] - Rollbacks of Put transactions does not clear the transaction from inflight puts. * [FLUME-1610] - HDFSEventSink and bucket writer have a race condition * [FLUME-1611] - LogUtils regex can be precompiled * [FLUME-1613] - All of the sink examples in the user guide are broken * [FLUME-1616] - FileChannel will lose data in when rollback fails with IOException * [FLUME-1620] - Update flume user guide for LoadBalancingSinkProcessor with the backoff changes. * [FLUME-1622] - MemoryChannel throws NPE if the event has no body * [FLUME-1638] - LoadBalancingRpcClient depends on com.google.common.collect.Maps * [FLUME-1639] - Client SDK should not have dependency on Guava * [FLUME-1650] - Fix flume-ng-hbase-sink compilation against Hadoop 2.X * [FLUME-1651] - in the hadoop-0.23 profile HBase version needs to be at least 0.94.2 * [FLUME-1653] - Update Hadoop-23 profile to point to hadoop-2 alpha artifacts * [FLUME-1655] - Doc update needed for Regex Filtering Interceptor * [FLUME-1656] - flume-ng script disregards stderr from hadoop command when finding hadoop jars * [FLUME-1659] - JSON Handler should return simple events, not JSONEvents. * [FLUME-1662] - Convert null body in events into zero length arrays. * [FLUME-1664] - Logutils.getLogs remove unneeded directory check * [FLUME-1671] - Add support for custom components to MonitoredCounterGroup * [FLUME-1673] - MonitoredCounterGroup publishes this reference to platform MBean server in constructor * [FLUME-1683] - Fix Time Granularity Bug in SpoolingFileLineReader * [FLUME-1690] - Elastic Search Sink doesn't run it's unit tests * [FLUME-1712] - Regex Extractor Interceptor tests have timezone issues * [FLUME-1705] - SpoolDirectory short name points at the wrong class * [FLUME-1719] - Example export command in README do not properly close the string * [FLUME-1723] - AsyncHBase and Avro bring in different versions of Netty * [FLUME-1726] - SpoolingFileLineReader must close the reader before renaming * [FLUME-1743] - Multiport syslog tcp source does not load (v1.3 rc5) ** Test * [FLUME-1492] - Create integration test for file channel ** Task * [FLUME-1359] - Update main pom.xml file with regards to Flume TLP promotion ** Sub-task * [FLUME-897] - Implement write ahead log library * [FLUME-1629] - Add Audience/Stability annotations * [FLUME-1694] - Fix LICENSE file for binary artifacts * [FLUME-1695] - Fix tarball names and directories * [FLUME-1696] - Update build instructions as Flume build requires more memory * [FLUME-1697] - Update CHANGELOG after 1.3.0 RC0 * [FLUME-1727] - Update CHANGELOG for rc4