Change Log Report

Total number of changed sets: 1

Changes between 2016-08-28 and 2016-09-28

Total commits: 3
Total number of files changed: 1

Timestamp Author Details
2016-09-08 01:31:01 Christofer Dutz <> flexjs-ant-tasks/pom.xml v fc2e0c4e84a7e6638ebc54279fa3218f2e8c7959

- Cleaned up the group-ids of the parents to be more in-line with the others.
- Updated the README_MAVEN.txt in compiler to reflect latest changes
2016-09-05 10:55:12 Christofer Dutz <> flexjs-ant-tasks/pom.xml v 6190f15942d6a3ecfb08ea1f1833c03fdcd5eecd

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
2016-09-05 10:54:46 Christofer Dutz <> flexjs-ant-tasks/pom.xml v ada2c42492fa9d5b32bdfa74d0569df7daf59c8e

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release flexjs-compiler-parent-0.7.0