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Board Report (2010-03)


Community After numerous contributions to the Web Console subproject, Valentin Valchev was offered committership and accepted. NetBeans 6.9 milestone includes Felix framework for its OSGi integration support. * Dependency Manager undergoing various additions, such as annotation, aspect and adapter support.

Software Recent contributions: UPNP Plugin for the Web Console by Valentin Valchev. * Recent subproject releases: Bundle Repository (1.4.3) EventAdmin (1.2.2) File Install (2.0.8) Framework/Main (2.0.3, 2.0.4) Framework Security (1.0.0) - With the release of this subproject, the Felix framework is now passing all core OSGi CT tests. Karaf (1.4.0) Maven SCR Plugin (1.4.2) SCR (1.4.0) Shell (1.4.2) * Web Console (2.0.6)

Licensing and other issues * OSGi CT made available to Felix community members who submitted NDAs.

Rev. 1700393 by cziegeler on Tue, 1 Sep 2015 06:04:06 +0000
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