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Board Report (2009-06)


Community Added two new PMC members: Clement Escoffier and Guillaume Nodet. Added five new committers: Chris Custine, Hiram Chirino, Freeman Yue Fang, James Strachan, and Gert Vanthienen. Contribution from Paremus of Sigil OSGi tooling project; this has been voted on and is undergoing the IP clearance process. OSGi tutorial using Felix Framework given at EclipseCon in late March. * Apache Felix presentation and BOF at ApacheCon EU 2009.

Software Released the following subprojects: Bundle Repository (1.4.0) - Some improvements to align with the OSGi RFC, but mostly minor. Dependency Manager (2.0.1) Dependency Manager Shell (2.0.1) Framework (1.6.0, 1.6.1, 1.8.0) - The latest release adds more complete support for fragment bundles, bringing Felix ever closer to specification compliance. Log Service (1.0.0) - Initial release of a very simple OSGi Log Service implementation. Main (1.6.0, 1.6.1, 1.8.0) - This subproject is released in lockstep with the framework subproject. Maven SCR Plugin (1.0.10, 1.2.0) junit4osgi (1.0.0) File Install (0.9.2, 1.0.0) - Continued improvements and bug fixes. SCR (1.0.8) Jetty HTTP Service (1.0.0) - Initial release of Jetty-based implementation of the OSGi HTTP Service. Shell (1.2.0) - Added some new commands for inspecting framework state and other minor improvements. Shell TUI (1.2.0) - Minor bug fix release. UPnP Extra (0.4.0) UPnP Tester (0.4.0) Web Console (1.2.8, 1.2.10) Incorporated the Apache ServiceMix Kernel contribution, renamed to Apache Felix Karaf, into the Felix project. * Peter Kriens' OSGi shell contribution has finished IP clearance and is awaiting inclusion into SVN repo.

Licensing and other issues * None.

Rev. 1700393 by cziegeler on Tue, 1 Sep 2015 06:04:06 +0000
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