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Board Report (2008-06)


Community Conducted an OSGi security tutorial at EclipseCon in March. Presented a Felix talk at ApacheConEU in April. Presented two Felix talks about security and Android at JSpring 2008 in April. Added Peter Kriens as a committer. Apache Sling project contributed Web Console as a subproject. Accepted Log Service implementation contribution from OPS4J community.

Software Released version 1.0.4 of Felix framework, as well as updates to the core related subprojects. Released new subproject versions of Web Console, Maven Bundle Plugin, Config Admin, and Declarative Services. The iPOJO subproject is working toward its first release vote, which should occur within the month. Committed initial changes to start implementing framework support bundle fragments, the last major piece of missing specification functionality.

Licensing and other issues * None.

Rev. 1700393 by cziegeler on Tue, 1 Sep 2015 06:04:06 +0000
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