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Board Report (2007-04)


Community Voted on and accepted Config Admin and Metatype service contributions from Day AG. Added Felix Meschberger as committer. Dealt with a PMC membership issue raised as a part of the graduation process; thanks to the board for their help with this issue. Community celebrations after the graduation announcement. :-)

Migration to TLP * Initial announcement sent to the list preparing people for the move, but no real migration progress to report at this point since graduation notification was so recent.

Software Added new OSGi R4 specification functionality to the core framework (e.g., Require-Bundle and extension bundle functionality). Committed two more OSGi R4 service specification implementations (e.g., Config Admin and Metatype) from Day AG. Improvements to OSGi R4 Declarative Services implementation by Felix Meschberger bringing it closer to specification compliance. Felix Commons, headed by Enrique Rodriguez, started to offer bundle-ized versions of common open source libraries. Current contributions by John Conlon and Felix Meschberger. Committed several significant community contributed patches for the Maven Bundle Plugin, our Maven plugin to simplify building OSGi bundles. Continued improvements to other Felix sub-projects (e.g., the iPOJO service-oriented component model).

Licensing and other issues * Software grants for Config Admin and Metatype were previously filed by Day AG.

Rev. 1700393 by cziegeler on Tue, 1 Sep 2015 06:04:06 +0000
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