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Apache Felix Script Console Plugin

Script Console is a Felix web console plugin which allows evaluation of scripts within the OSGi container. It provides following features


To make use of this plugin you need to

A - Install the Script Console Plugin bundle

Refer to downloads for getting the bundle.

For Maven use following coordinates


For latest build follow steps below

$svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk/webconsole-plugins/script-console/
$cd script-console
$mvn clean install
$mvn org.apache.sling:maven-sling-plugin:2.1.0:install -Dsling.url=http://localhost:8080/system/console

B- Install the language specific bundle

Install bundles for the Script Language you want to use


After installing it you would see a new tab "Script Console" in Felix Web Console. The plugin screen provides a textarea to author script code. One can select the language via the given dropdown. The generated output is shown in pane below.

The script exposes following variables

So simplest script that can work is

out.println ("Hello world!!");

To access a service use osgi.getService

def httpService = osgi.getService(org.osgi.service.http.HttpService.class)

To access a service satisfying OSGi filter

def eventPlugin = osgi.getServices(javax.servlet.Servlet.class,'(felix.webconsole.label=events)')[0]

Following hotkeys work


The plugin can also be invoked by making POST request. It supports following parameters

If any exception occurs while evaluating the script then it would return the exception message with status set to 500. Scripts can control what output they want to emit.

Sample Scripts

Following are some sample scripts in Groovy. Note the scripts might be depending on implementation details to access the relevant data structures

  1. Script to find out servlets which are registered problematically with Felix HTTP Service

    import org.osgi.service.http.HttpService
    import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil
    import org.osgi.framework.Bundle
    def httpService = osgi.getService(HttpService.class)
    httpService.handlerRegistry.aliasMap.each{alias,servlet ->
        Bundle bnd = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(servlet.class)
        println "$alias : ${servlet.class.name} ($bnd.symbolicName)"
  2. Script to load a class which is not exported and then invoke some static method on that class. At times you need to access some private class to see the runtime state.

    import org.osgi.framework.Bundle
    import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext
    //Script to load a class which is not exported and then invoke some static method on that class
    //Name of the class
    def className = "org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingMainServlet"
    def resPath = className.replaceAll('.','/')+".class"
    def bundles = bundleContext.getBundles().findAll{Bundle b ->
        b.getEntry(resPath) != null
       println "No bundle found for class $className"
    def b = bundles.asList().first()
    def clazz = b.loadClass(className)
    //Invoke some static method
    def result = clazz.metaClass.invokeStaticMethod(clazz, 'foo',  arg1)
    println result
  3. Script to find out which bundle embeds a given class

    import org.osgi.framework.Bundle
    import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext
    //Name of the class
    def className = "org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingMainServlet"
    def resPath = className.replaceAll('.','/')+".class"
    def bundles = bundleContext.getBundles().findAll{Bundle b ->
        b.getEntry(resPath) != null
    println "Following bundles have the class"
        println it


Rev. 1508319 by chetanm on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 06:53:12 +0000
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