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Apache Felix Remote Shell

The Apache Felix Remote Shell provided by the org.apache.felix.shell.remote bundle offers remote access to Apache Felix Shell and [Apache Felix Gogo] using telnet clients. The remote shell provides simple telnet access with no bells and whistles -- it just works.

To use remote shell with the Felix shell, you have to install the org.apache.felix.shell bundle in addition to the org.apache.felix.shell.remote bundle. To use it with Gogo, you have to install the org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime and org.apache.felix.gogo.shell bundles in addition to the org.apache.felix.shell.remote bundle. Once you have the shell bundles installed with the remote shell bundle, start them all to enable remote shell access.

**Default shell** If you have both the Felix shell and Gogo installed and active, then the default is to connect to Gogo when you telnet into the remote shell. If you wish to telnet into the Felix shell, you should stop the Gogo runtime bundle.


The Apache Felix Remote Shell bundle currently is configured using framework properties obtained from the bundle's context. The following properties are supported:

Property Default Value Description
osgi.shell.telnet.ip IP Address on which the remote shell is accessible (since 1.0.4).
osgi.shell.telnet.port 6666 Port on which the remote shell is accessible.
osgi.shell.telnet.maxconn 2 The maximum number of simultaneous connections.
osgi.shell.telnet.socketTimeout 0 Sets the SO_TIMEOUT socket option to the given number of milliseconds. The default is no timeout (since 1.0.4).
**Be aware** The remote shell does not listen on all interfaces by default; it only listens on the localhost. That is, by default the remote shell is only accessible from the host on which the remote shell is running. To access the system from another host, you have to configure the IP address of the interface to which the remote shell should be attached.

Security Note

This remote shell bundle does not employ any security at all. Thus if no security manager is active in the framework's JVM, then any user connecting to the remote shell has full control over the framework.

To have some minimum level of security ensure the IP Address configured with the osgi.shell.telnet.ip property is not publicly accessible.

Rev. 1712598 by cziegeler on Wed, 4 Nov 2015 17:48:20 +0000
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