A flexible and extensible service component model

What's iPOJO ?

iPOJO is a service component runtime aiming to simplify OSGi application development. It natively supports ALL the dynamism of OSGi. iPOJO is made to run modern applications exhibiting modularity and requiring runtime adaption and autonomic behavior.

Main features

  • Components are developed as POJOs - no dependencies or complex API
  • Use annotations, XML or a fluent API to declare your components and instances
  • Require and provide services without requiring code, while being amazingly powerful
  • iPOJO applications are natively resilient to dynamism
  • Extensible and customizable, develop your own component model
  • iPOJO applications are supporting dynamic adaptation, and exhibit autonomic behavior


iPOJO Manipulator (1.12.1) and Runtime (1.12.1) are now available in the downloads section and from the Maven repository. (December 24, 2014)

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