Getting Involved in Apache Events

There are a number of different ways to get involved with Events at Apache. Many of these come under the umbrella of the Conferences Committee, but some fall under different groups, such as the Apache Community Development Project.

If you are an Apache Committer, and you're interested in putting on an Apache Event, please see the Organising Events section for more help. If you are interested in helping others out with putting on an Apache Event, you are advised to join the appropriate mailing list, and volunteer for events there. This could be for a project specific event, such as a Hackathon or Meetup, for a foundation wide event, such as a BarCamp or Retreat, or a larger event such as a Roadshow or a Project / Project Cluster related small conference.

If you are interested in putting on an external event making use of Apache Brands and Marks, please see the Third Party Event Branding Policy for information on the approval process and requirements.

If you are interested in speaking about Apache at external events, then please see Apache Speakers Resources that are maintained by the Apache Community Development Project.

If you are putting on an external event, and would like a small number of speakers for it to talk about Apache Projects and Technologies, please see the Apache Speakers Resources for information on finding speakers.

If you are putting on an external event, and you are interested in having an Apache track, or an Apache barcamp / hackathon style event, please contact ConCom, the Conference Committee to discuss the possibility.

If you are interested in attending an Apache Event, or an Apache related event, please see the Calendar to discover what is coming up.