Studio Developers' Howtos

Theses guides give some insight about how is developped Studio, so that some new comers can jump in at a limited cost (well, sort of...)


Studio is an Eclipse&tm; RCP application, which can also be loaded into an Eclipse&tm; instance. It's a set of plugins :

  • a LDAP Browser
  • a LDAP Schema Editor
  • an embedded ApacheDS 2.0 server
  • an LDIF editor
  • an ApacheDS 2.0 configuration editor
  • an OpenDLAP&tm; 2.4 configuration editor

and various utility plugins.


You can check about what is needed to be able to start coding on the Developers' guide.

In any case, you need a Java JDK 7, Eclipse Luna-SR2, Maven 3.2.5, subversion 1.8.8.
