7 - Requests and Responses (...)

Here we will describe all the Java structures used to process LDAP message (Requests and Responses). This can be useful whenever one wants to send a message or process a response, using all possible options.

Inherited classes

All the messages inherit from a few classes that are described here. They gather the common fields used across most message types.

The Message interface

This is the parent of the message hierarchy. Every message has a few characteristics that are available across all of its inherited classes:

* Id : the message ID which is generated by the server or the client. You should never add it
* Controls : The list of controls you add to a request or that get added by the response

Here is the Message interface:

 * Root interface for all LDAP message type interfaces.
 * @author <a href="mailto:dev@directory.apache.org">Apache Directory Project</a>
public interface Message
     * Gets the LDAP message type code associated with this Message. Each
     * request and response type has a unique message type code defined by the
     * protocol in <a href="http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2251.html">RFC 2251</a>.
     * @return the message type code.
    MessageTypeEnum getType();

     * Gets the controls associated with this message mapped by OID.
     * @return Map of OID strings to Control object instances.
    Map<String, Control> getControls();

     * Gets the control associated with the given OID.
     * @param oid The Cntrol's OID we are looking for
     * @return The Control object instance with the OID.
    Control getControl( String oid );

     * Checks whether or not this message has the specified control.
     * @param oid the OID of the control
     * @return true if this message has the control, false if it does not
    boolean hasControl( String oid );

     * Adds a control to this Message.
     * @param control the control to add.
     * @return A Message reference
     * @throws org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.model.exception.MessageException if controls cannot be added to this Message or the control is
     *             not known etc.
    Message addControl( Control control ) throws MessageException;

     * Adds an array of controls to this Message.
     * @param controls the controls to add.
     * @return A Message reference
     * @throws MessageException if controls cannot be added to this Message or they are not known etc.
    Message addAllControls( Control[] controls ) throws MessageException;

     * Deletes a control removing it from this Message.
     * @param control the control to remove.
     * @return A Message reference
     * @throws MessageException if controls cannot be added to this Message or the control is
     *             not known etc.
    Message removeControl( Control control ) throws MessageException;

     * Gets the session unique message sequence id for this message. Requests
     * and their responses if any have the same message id. Clients at the
     * initialization of a session start with the first message's id set to 1
     * and increment it with each transaction.
     * @return the session unique message id.
    int getMessageId();

     * Sets the Message ID for this request
     * @param messageId The message Id
     * @return A Message reference
    Message setMessageId( int messageId );
