6.1 - AdministrativePoint

These classes are currently only used by the server. It will be available on the client side later on.

An AdministrativePoint is an entry in the DIT which is associated with some AdministrativeArea. In ApacheDS we support 4 different kind of roles:

  • ACI
  • Collective Attributes
  • SubSchema
  • Triggers

We also have three different types of _AdministrativePoint_s:

  • Autonomous AdministrativePoint (AAP)
  • Specific AdministrativePoint (SAP)
  • Inner AdministrativePoint (IAP)

Each of the roles comes in one of 3 'flavors' (except the SubSchema whch has only 2 flavors). So we have the following classes:

  • AccessControl
    • AccessControlAAP
    • AccessControlSAP
    • AccessControlIAP
  • CollectiveAttribute
    • CollectiveAttributeAAP
    • CollectiveAttributeSAP
    • CollectiveAttributeIAP
  • Subschema
    • SubschemaAAP
    • SubschemaSAP
  • Triggers
    • TriggerExecutionAAP
    • TriggerExecutionSAP
    • TriggerExecutionIAP

These classes stores the following information:

  • dn : The DN of the root entry for this administration point.
  • uuid : The associated entryUUID
  • role : The Administrative role
  • parent : The parent (if any) AdministrativePoint
  • children : All the descendant of this AdministrativePoint