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On Reporting Bugs

Apache Commons tracks bugs and enhancements in JIRA, under the Commons category. Each component has its own JIRA project.

The usual rules apply - please look to see if the bug already exists before reporting it; please only reports bugs and enhancements, if you have a question, please bring it to the mailing list. Including all your information will help the issue be dealt with quicker, however please use a little common sense and avoid those 50 page recursive stack traces.

On Making Patches

If you have a code fix linked to your issue that you'd like to submit, please attach a patch file to the issue.

Patches should be created with the "-u" option, for instance:

diff -u Main.java.orig Main.java > arg-fix.patch
svn diff -x -u Main.java > arg-fix.patch

Note: You should give your patch files meaningful names. For instance if you fix a concurrency bug in the foo component do not call your patch file "patchfile.txt" but instead call it "foo-concurrency.patch". This makes it easier for developers who need to apply a number of different patches.