
This page needs to be updated/reworked. For now look to the bottom for latest update.

I have taken a snapshot of the source as of Dec 1 and zipped it up for download. This will enable me to start making changes.


Am now adding CMISService which will map more closely to the Services in the Domain model. This is a work in progress. Checked in code will usually be able to run without totally breaking.

Zipped downloads and Labeled revisions should generally run without breaking.

Update 2010-02-15

Added new update with some test code.

Filled out quite a bit of the domain level routines, including:

  • getRepositories
  • getTypeDefinition
  • getChildren
  • getFolderParent
  • getObjectParents
  • getCheckedOutDocs
  • getObject
  • getObjectByPath
  • getProperties
  • getContentStream
  • createDocument
  • createFolder
  • updateProperties
  • moveObject
  • deleteObject
  • setContentStream
  • deleteContentStream

Many of these have been tested but not all -- some known issues:

  • Not handling optional inputs (filters etc....)
  • Some assumptions are being made regarding the form of URLs
  • May be making some assumptions about XML format w.r.t. Name spacing
  • Has only been tested against the Alfresco Repository

Update 2010-09-07

  • Fixed problem with handling of spaces -- no need to urlencode inputs
  • Added new functionality:
    • Get Type Children
    • Get Type Descendants
    • Get Folder Tree
    • Get Descendants
  • Updated Documentation

Update 2013-11-17

  • Added archive assets for easy deployment
  • Added a number of patches in preparation for a formal release