Welcome to OpenCMIS

OpenCMIS is a collection of Java libraries, frameworks and tools around the CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services) specification.

The goal of OpenCMIS is to make CMIS simple for Java client and server developers. It hides the binding details and provides APIs and SPIs on different abstraction levels. It also includes test tools for content repository developers and client application developers.

Table of Contents for the documentation

The OpenCMIS documentation is structured in the following sections:

Getting OpenCMIS

You can get opencmis from the Download-Page


Currently the following opencmis releases exist:

Release Version Date Release Notes Changelog
Release 0.3.0 (planned) coming soon coming soon coming soon
Incubation Release 0.2.0 Jan/21/2011 0.2.0 0.2.0
Incubation Release 0.1.0 Sep/17/2010 0.1.0 0.1.0

Projects using OpenCMIS

Client API

Server Framework