If a stored procedure is known to return at least one result set, procedure queries can be executed just like normal select queries. Of course in addtion to returning data, such procedures can perform any other database operations.

Currently all procedure queries will return data rows, not DataObjects. If the returned row (Map) contains all the attributes needed to recreate a DataObject, this can be done by calling DataContext.objectFromDataRow().

Below is an example of creating a ProcedureQuery, initializing its parameters, and processing execution results.

DataContext ctxt;

// "my_procedure" is a name of a stored procedure,
// that must exist in the DataMap
ProcedureQuery query = new ProcedureQuery("my_procedure");

// Set "IN" parameter values
query.addParam("paramter1", "abc");
query.addParam("parameter2", new Integer(3000));

// run query as a normal select query
List rows = ctxt.performQuery(query);

// process results
Iterator it = rows.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
  Map row = (Map)it.next();
  // do something with result, e.g. instantiate a real DataObject
  MyDataObject object = (MyDataObject)ctxt.objectFromDataRow("MyDataObject", row);