
The purpose of these quick start tutorials is to give a glimse of Airavata funcationlity. The tutorials cover the basic capabilities of registering a simple application, executing and monitoring a application.

Airavata has comprehensive capabilities to build science gateways to interface with computational grids and clouds. Please see the Airavata Wiki for these advanced tutorials and if you are interested do not hesitate to post a question to the mailing list.


Airavata has three major components:

  • Airavata Server. The server bundles API, Orchestrator and Application Factory which can be deployed as one server or can be telescoped into multiple services. The services will require third party dependencies (mysql database - by default embedded derby is used), RabbitMQ and Apache Zookeper (by default ZK is used is embedded mode).
  • Airavata PHP Gateway (PGA). PGA uses WSO2 Identity Server as a user store and tentant management and is the default authentication and authorization service.
  • XBaya. XBaya is current used only to construct workflows from previously registered applications.

Deployment Scenarios

As illustrated in the figure below, PGA is deployed on a web server and Airavata Services as Java Services. XBaya is a standalone download and connections to the Airavata Server.

Airavata Deployments


  1. PGA interacts with Airavata over the Thrift API. When in question, please refer to API Docs.
  2. Quick Start Tutorials provide detailed walk through of various scenarious to get failer with PGA and Airavata -