The Apache Airavata source repositories are maintained using GIT version control.

Browse Airavata source repository on web:

Source Code

Airavata core services:

Airavata PHP Gateway

Airavata Documentation

The Apache Airavata website is managed in Subversion:

  • The source code is organized by major components into modules directory.
  • The GFac-Core is the POJO style implementation of the Airavata Application Wrapper and Job management tool.
  • GFac-Axis2 is a web service interface to GFac-Core developed in Axis2 Framework.
  • XBaya-GUI is the desktop and JNLP webstartable interface to construct, execute and monitor workflows. XBaya provides a graphical programming abstraction over worklfow languages like BPEL.
  • Workflow Interpreter is an axis2 web service which wraps XBaya to provide server side enactment capability.
  • WS-Messenger is a web service messaging system used within Airavata for all service to service and end user communications.
  • XRegistry is a registry services which provides a web service interface to a database of application, service and workflow deployment descriptions. XRegistry is developed using XSUL.

Building code

See build instructions.

Developers Guide

Some coding practices:

  • License Header: Always add the current ASF license header as described in ASF Source Header.
  • Trailing Whitespaces: Remove all trailing whitespaces. Eclipse users can use Source->Cleanup option to accomplish this.
  • Indentation: Use 4 space indents and never use tabs!
  • Line wrapping: Use 120-column line width for Java code and Javadoc.
  • Author Tags: Do not use Author Tags. The code is developed and owned by the community.

Eclipse Configuration Tips

Configure Eclipse Preferences

  • Download Eclipse Formatting and Style Guides for Airavata Style Templates
  • To add Formatter: Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter and import the airavata-formatting-preferences.xml downloaded in the previous step.
  • To add Templates: Preferences > Java > Code Style > Code Templates and import the airavata-code-style-template.xml. This templates adds the ASF header and so on for new code.