Apache Airavata Contribution Guide

Welcome and thank you for your interest in contributing to Apache Airavata! This guide will take you through the process of making contributions to the airavata code base.

Engage with the community

Identify an issue or documentation that you want to fix or improve. Search JIRA and the mailing list to see if it’s already been discussed.

Create an issue in JIRA

If it’s a bug or a feature request, open a JIRA issue. Create a sample that you can use for prototyping the feature or demonstrating the bug. If creating a sample is time consuming, write steps to reproduce the issue. Attach this sample to the JIRA issue if it’s representing a bug report.

Create a pull request in GitHub

Checkout the source code. Create a pull request (PR) in GitHub for the change you're interested in making. The comment section of the PR must contain a link to the JIRA issue. Please also reference the issue in the commit message, and make sure it properly describes the changes that have been made and their purpose.

Some good references for working with GitHub are below. We ask that you keep your change rebased to master as much as possible, and we will ask you to rebase again if master has moved before accepting your patch.

Comment the issue in JIRA

Finally, add a comment in the JIRA issue with a link to the pull request so we know the code is ready to be reviewed.

The review process

The airavata community will need to review your pull request before it is merged. If we are slow to respond, feel free to also email the dev mailing list: dev@airavata.apache.org.

During the review process you may be asked to make some changes to your submission. While working through feedback, it can be beneficial to create new commits so the incremental change is obvious. This can also lead to a complex set of commits, and having an atomic change per commit is preferred in the end. Use your best judgement and work with your reviewer as to when you should revise a commit or create a new one.

A pull request is considered ready to be merged once it gets at lease one +1 from a reviewer. Once all the changes have been completed and the pull request is accepted, it must be rebased to the latest upstream version. It is also a good idea to squash all the commits into a single one, since this will allow us to generate a clean patch and merge it properly.

Accepting Contributions

Developers with Airavata Commit access should read Accepting Contribtions on steps to accept the contributed code